Introduction to disseminating packages

AllSource 1.0    |

A package is a compressed file containing GIS data. You share a package in the same way as any other file—via email, FTP, the cloud, thumb drives, and so on. You share it between colleagues in a workgroup, between departments in an organization, or with other users via ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise. The recipient of your package unpacks it and can immediately begin using its contents. You can also use packages to archive your work.

You can open most packages in any version of ArcGIS AllSource. By default, the contents of a package are stored in the <User Documents>\ArcGIS\Packages folder. You can change this location in the Share and download options. Functionality in the package that is not supported at the version of ArcGIS AllSource being used to consume the package is not available.

Before sharing a package, analyze the GIS resource you're using to identify potential performance delays and errors. For more information, see Analyze your GIS resource.

During the sharing process, the package data is consolidated and prepared in a staging folder on a local drive. You can use the default staging folder or choose a different folder in the Share and Download options.

You can continue to work with ArcGIS AllSource while the sharing job is processing. You can also close ArcGIS AllSource. You can monitor the status of the sharing process in the Job Status pane.

You can create the following packages with ArcGIS AllSource:

  • A project package (.ppkx file) saves and shares a project along with its maps, data, styles, toolboxes, tasks, attachments, geoprocessing history, and connections.
  • A map package (.mpkx file) contains a map document (.mapx file) and all the data referenced by the layers in it. Essentially, it's a collection of layer packages along with the map document.
  • A layer package (.lpkx file) includes both the layer properties and the dataset referenced by the layer. With a layer package, you can save and share the entire layer—its symbolization, labeling, table properties, and data.
  • A tile package (.tpk file) contains a set of tiles (images) from a map or raster dataset that can be published as a web tile or web elevation layer. Alternatively, you can use the tile package as a basemap in ArcGIS.
  • A mobile map package (.mmpk file) contains both maps and basemaps and all the data referenced by the layers. Mobile map packages can be used in ArcGIS AllSource and ArcGIS Navigator and by developers building apps with ArcGIS Runtime. For ArcGIS Runtime, .mmpk files were introduced at version 100.0.0.
  • A mobile scene package (.mspk file) contains scenes and all the data referenced by the layers. Mobile scene packages can be used in ArcGIS AllSource and by developers building apps with ArcGIS Runtime. For ArcGIS Runtime, .mspk files were introduced at version 100.5.


Project, map, layer, and geoprocessing packages created with ArcGIS AllSource can be used in ArcGIS AllSource and AllSource.