Add a subreport

AllSource 1.0    |

You can include multiple report sections in a single report document by adding a subreport. Subreports can be used to provide additional context or supportive data, for example, a quarterly report detailing the emergency response districts that includes a report section of the facility locations and their related emergency vehicles with an additional report section of the emergency responses made.

A subreport is an existing or new report that can be added above or below a supplemental page or report section in an open report.

Add a subreport to a report

To add an existing report to the current report, do the following:

  1. Right-click a report section in the Contents pane. Alternatively, right-click a report section in the report document view.
  2. To add the subreport above the selected section, expand Add Above Add Above, and click Add Subreport Above Add Subreport Above. To add the subreport below the selected item, expand Add Below Add Below, and click Add Subreport Below Add Subreport Below.

    The Insert Report browse dialog box appears.

  3. Browse to the report or report file. Click OK.


    Reports of the same page size or smaller are recommended. A warning appears if the chosen report has a page size that is larger than the current report, as the resulting subreport will be clipped when shared.

The subreport is added to the report and the view updates to reflect the new section.

Create a report and add it as a subreport

To create a report and add it to the current report, do the following:

  1. Right-click a report section in the Contents pane. Alternatively, right-click a report section in the report document view.
  2. To add the new subreport above the selected section, expand Add Above Add Above, and click Add New Report Above Add New Report Above. To add the new subreport below the selected item, expand Add Below Add Below, and click Add New Report Below Add New Report Below.

    The Create New Report pane appears.

  3. In the Create New Report pane, choose a template to define the report layout:
    • Use an Esri default template—Choose between five default templates.
    • Use a custom template—Browse to and select a custom report template.
  4. Click Next to update the Report Name and Data Source values.
  5. Click Next to filter the data and specify the fields in the report.
  6. Set the data filtering by choosing an option from the Rows menu:
  7. Click Next to optionally group data and add sorting rules.

    By default, grouping is ascending in order. Summary statistics (count, minimum, maximum, sum, mean, and standard deviation) can be added.

  8. Click Next to design the report styling.

    Page setup options are determined by the existing report and cannot be altered.

  9. Click Finish to create the report view.

    If a field included in the report was removed from the data source at any time during this process, the report is automatically updated and you are notified at this time.

The new report is created, added to the project, and added to the report as a new subreport. The view updates to reflect the new section.