Design the report

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Predefined field properties, such as font and text color, can be used to define the initial appearance of the report upon creation without the need to alter each element individually. Styling, page size, page orientation, and margin space options are available during report creation from an Esri default template to expedite the report creation process. Reports created from a custom template do not include these options, as the custom template already includes this information.

Design choices include the following:

  • Styling—Designate the appearance properties of elements. Black and White is the default.
  • Page units—The unit of measure to be used for both page size and margins. The default is derived from the operating system.
  • Page size—The size of the exported report. Letter is the default.
  • Orientation—The orientation of the exported report. Portrait is the default.
  • Margins—Blank space to be maintained around the outer edge of the exported report. Normal is the default.

Report styling themes

The styling of a report designates the appearance properties of elements. Examples of text styling include color, font, justification, and spacing. In a report, the styling chosen impacts all subsections and elements. Subsection styling includes background color.

There are four styling choices:

  • No Styling—No styling will be applied. Colors and symbols are defined by the chosen template.
  • Black and White—For use on black and white printers. This is the default.
  • Cool Tones—Blue lines and backgrounds with gray fonts.
  • Warm Tones—Orange lines and backgrounds with gray fonts.

The chosen styling will be apparent in the report view upon report creation. The only exception is the Details Alternate Row Color, which is not visible until the report has been shared as a PDF document.


Report styling is derived from items in the Reports system style, which you can add to a project.

Design the report in the Create New Report pane

Styling and page setup are optional configurations that can be applied to your report. Styling options are only available during new report creation that is based on an Esri default template. Follow these steps to set the styling options:

  1. On the Insert tab, in the Project group, click New Report New Report to open the Create New Report pane.

    Alternatively, right-click a layer in the Contents pane and click New Report New Report to open the pane and have the report's data source set directly.

  2. In the Create New Report pane, choose a template to define the report layout.
  3. Click Next to provide a report name and set the data source.
  4. Click Next to filter the data and specify the fields in the report.
  5. Click Next to optionally organize the data by establishing optional levels for grouping, sorting, and summary statistics.
  6. Click Next to define the Display options.
  7. In the Styling drop-down menu, choose a styling theme.
  8. Under Page setup, optionally change the Page units drop-down menu.
  9. In the Page size options, choose the exported report paper size from either the drop-down gallery, the Select Page from Printer button Select Page from Printer, or by manually adjusting the Width and Height values.
  10. For Orientation, choose either Portrait Portrait or Landscape Landscape.
  11. In the Margins drop-down menu, choose the margin configuration for the final exported report.

    For reference, the measurements for the chosen margin are reflected in the boxes below the drop-down menu. The margin areas will be cropped from the report view, and will only be visible when the report is exported.

  12. Click Finish to generate the report using the current configuration.

Change page setup in the report properties

Page setup configuration can be changed after it has been established by completing the following steps:

  1. In the Contents pane, right-click the report document title and click Properties.
  2. Click the Page Setup tab.
  3. Optionally, change the Page units using the drop-down gallery.
  4. In the Page size options, choose the exported report paper size from either the drop-down gallery, the Select Page from Printer button Select Page from Printer, or by manually adjusting the Width and Height values.
  5. For Orientation, choose either Portrait Portrait or Landscape Landscape.
  6. In the Margins drop-down menu, choose the margin configuration for the final exported report.

    For reference, the measurements for the chosen margin are reflected in the boxes below the drop-down menu.

  7. Click OK to apply this change.