Set report options

AllSource 1.0    |

Report options are an application setting to specify the default location of the folder that contains custom templates. This setting applies to all your projects.

Follow these steps to change the default folder location:

  1. Click the Project tab and click Options.
  2. On the Options dialog box, under the Application heading, click the Report tab.
  3. In the Custom template path text box, type a new folder location. Alternatively, click the Browse button Browse to browse to the new folder using the Custom Template Path dialog box.

    The default setting is C:\Users\<name>\Documents\ArcGIS\ReportTemplates.


    If the default folder does not already exist, it is created when one of the following conditions is met:

    • You visit the report page in the backstage.
    • You open the Create New Report pane for the first time.
    • You save a template for the first time.