ArcGIS Knowledge allows you to create a knowledge graph in ArcGIS Enterprise using AllSource. A knowledge graph allows you to create a model that simulates a real-world system in a nonspatial manner.
If your credentials in the active ArcGIS Enterprise portal include privileges to create content and to create knowledge graphs, you can create a knowledge graph. When you create a knowledge graph or add an existing knowledge graph to an AllSource project, an investigation is created in the project that provides access to the knowledge graph in the ArcGIS Enterprise portal.
Initially, the knowledge graph is empty. However, through the investigation in AllSource, you can do the following:
- Define entity types and relationship types to model systems of real-world objects including people, places, events, and things.
- Create entities and relationships that represent individual people, places, events, and things in the system from the investigation, from a map, or from a link chart.
- Load spatial and nonspatial data into the knowledge graph to generate a representation of the system you want to interrogate.
- Add documents that provide an authoritative source for the facts stated in properties of an entity or a relationship.
As you add content to the knowledge graph, you can explore the relationships between entities in the investigation, document your findings, create maps and link charts, and use different forms of analysis to improve your understanding of the system. The following are some of the things you can do:
- Query and search in an investigation to identify entities and relationships of interest, and save your queries.
- Generate histograms to summarize, select, and filter the knowledge graph's content.
- Add entities with a spatial component to a map and include them in cartographic products.
- Perform spatial analysis on the map's knowledge graph layer such as assessing an entity's spatial proximity to spatial features outside the system.
- Create link charts to identify connections between the entities in the system.
- Determine which entities have the most influence on the system.
- Find communities of interrelated entities that are not apparent using other methods.
Integrating spatial and nonspatial data and analysis provides an advantage when assessing a system and can give you confidence that any changes you make will have a positive outcome.
ArcGIS Pro 3.1 and ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1 include changes that affect your ability to continue using projects created in previous versions of AllSource based on previous versions of ArcGIS Enterprise. See the version compatibility information in Create an investigation in a project.