Mit der Business Analyst-Lizenz verfügbar.
This section highlights the software components and prerequisites required to install Business Analyst Server 10.6.1.
To install Business Analyst Server on a federated server with support for the Business Analyst web app on-premises, you need ArcGIS Enterprise. This includes ArcGIS Server, Portal for ArcGIS, and the ArcGIS Datastore with a hosting server. A standalone ArcGIS Server implementation of Business Analyst Server is still supported for custom applications but will not be allowed for use of the Business Analyst web app on-premises.
Before installing Business Analyst Server, check that ArcGIS Server and Portal for ArcGIS (optionally) are installed and functioning.
For more information on how to install ArcGIS Server, refer to the ArcGIS Server Installation Guide.
Before reviewing this section and installing Business Analyst Server, you should verify that ArcGIS Enterprise is installed correctly. The Business Analyst Server install assumes ArcGIS Enterprise is installed and running.
Business Analyst Server as a federated server uses Portal for ArcGIS Security. Access to the service is controlled by the sharing capabilities in Portal for ArcGIS. By default the service is not shared with anyone and the sharing must be updated by the Portal administrator for the service to be accessible to users. See this topic for sharing items in Portal.
For a standalone ArcGIS Server implementation, Business Analyst Server uses the security feature of ArcGIS Server. To enable security for Business Analyst Server web applications, you need to implement security using ArcGIS Server Manager.
The Business Analyst Server setup creates a map service with Business Analyst capability for you. However, you are not limited to using only this default map service. You can add additional map services with Business Analyst capability using the Business Analyst Server Post Install.
Preliminary Checklist
Supported platforms
Business Analyst Server is supported on all Windows platforms listed. Logging in with your Esri global account may be required.
.NET version support
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 is a prerequisite for ArcGIS Server, therefore, it is required for Business Analyst Server.
Web servers
Business Analyst Server is supported on the following Microsoft Windows Web servers:
- IIS 7.5 with ASP.NET 2.0 (ASPX) support
- IIS 8 with ASP.NET 2.0 (ASPX) support
- IIS 8.5 with ASP.NET 2.0 (ASPX) support
- IIS 10 with ASP.NET 2.0 (ASPX) support
Securing web applications
The Business Analyst web app is a premium app for Portal for ArcGIS and it will use Portal security. For custom applications the installation guide assumes you're familiar with implementing Web application security in ArcGIS Server Manager. If you want to secure your Business Analyst capable map services used in Business Analyst Server, you need to implement security with users and roles using the Configuring ArcGIS Server Security documentation.
Hardware requirements
The minimum RAM requirement for an all-in-one single machine federated server deployment is 16 GB. These requirements are based on a federated development server with the following environment:
- Business Analyst DefaultMap service (10 maximum instances)
- Eight dynamic map services (Color-coded mapping)
- Geometry service
- PrintingTools service
- ArcGIS Web Adaptor
- ArcGIS Datastore with hosting server
- Portal for ArcGIS
For a production environment, minimum hardware requirements are not listed because the user and business needs of the software may vary. For instance, if network and geocoding utility services are published locally in the environment instead of being consumed from ArcGIS Online this will add to the memory footprint and 32GB may be required. These requirements must be considered in determining hardware needs to meet performance and scalability expectations. For assistance designing an ArcGIS infrastructure that will meet your specific requirements, see System Design Strategies.
Disk space requirements
Business Analyst Server is powered by large datasets downloaded from My Esri, each 7-Zip file size is around 10 GB. Make sure to have about 110 Gb of free space on the disk where these files will be, and another 155 Gb on the disk to where the data will be extracted.
See this topic for installing the Business Analyst data.
Once extracted, you will begin the installation process. If they go to the same disk, then you are going to need another 155 Gb of free space on that disk. After you finish installation of the data, you can delete approximately 155 Gb of setup and 7-Zip files.
Additionally, the service definition files used to publish the demographic map services are roughly 37GB in size, however, when published they are copied to the server and can be deleted after. During publishing, the size increases to roughly 100GB as the files are unpacked. It is important to check the amount of disk space where the arcgisserver folder is located. If located on the C: drive, make sure that after publishing, there will be enough room left for allocation of virtual memory to the server.
Repository types
Business Analyst Server at 10.6.1 includes improved sharing and collaboration features by leveraging shared items in Portal. For example; custom report templates authored in the Business Analyst web app or Business Analyst Desktop. However, the legacy Business Analyst Repository is still supported when a custom installation type is selected during the post install. Business Analyst Server works with no repository, a File-based repository and an ArcSDE repository.
- No repository
Using the No Repository option allows users to perform business analysis without storing outputs from the analysis operations performed. All data and report templates are accessed from the Server data install location. There are no workspaces, projects or item folders available to store your analysis results, report items and features.
- File-based repository
In the file-based repository, the root corresponds to a shared folder on a file server accessible by ArcSOC machines. Each successive lower repository level contains subfolders of its next-highest folder. For example, tasks such as customer layers, analyses, and reports have file folders that correspond to repository folders contained in a higher level project folder. For platform independence, the repository stores output feature classes and tables in shapefile format. Repository root, workspaces, projects, folders, and items folders contain metadata .xml files that have additional information about folder contents. Workspace metadata contains information about data contained in the workspace, such as the selected dataset.
Project metadata and lower-level metadata contain information such as creation, modification time and comments. Metadata for certain types of items may contain additional information about data inside the folder item. For instance, multilayer metadata keeps references to the main layer file and a list of references to additional layer files.
- ArcSDE repository
The option to create your repository using an ArcSDE geodatabase is available. This allows for secure access to Business Analyst Server analysis results.
For specific information see What is the geodatabase?
The ArcSDE repository requires additional third-party Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) software. Use the file-based repository if you don't want to install an RDBMS such as SQL Server or Oracle.
Installation conventions
Here are some conventions to use when referring to files and folders.
By default, Business Analyst Server data installs data to the following folder:
<Install Location>\ArcGIS\Business Analyst
This folder location may be referred to as <Data> in this document.
- By default, Business Analyst data installs datasets to the
following folder:
<Install Location>\ArcGIS\Business Analyst\US_2020_Server\Datasets
This folder location may be referred to as <Datasets> in this document.
- The location of the Data or Datasets installation folder is different; use your corresponding folder location whenever <Data> or <Datasets> is specified.
- <Install Media> refers to the Business Analyst Server installation flash drive.