Mit der Business Analyst-Lizenz verfügbar.
This installation guide provides steps for a typical installation of Business Analyst Server.
It is assumed that you have installed Business Analyst data using Business Analyst Server Data Setup prior to running the following steps.
- Select Business Analyst Server setup option.
The Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for Business Analyst Server 10.6.1 dialog box appears. Click Next.
- The License Agreement dialog box appears. Click the I accept the terms in the license agreement check box and click Next.
- On the Ready to Install the Program dialog box, click Install.
The setup will start installing the selected features.
- When Business Analyst Server has been successfully installed a dialog box appears stating the installation is successful, click Finish.
The post installation application begins automatically.
If a dialog box about restarting the system appears, you may reboot later after the post installation is completed or you may reboot the system and launch the post installation after the reboot.
Continue to the following post installation sections to enable the management tools.
Overview of the post installation
The Business Analyst Server post Installation needs to be run to create a map service with Business Analyst capabilities.
After you complete your Business Analyst Server setup, the post installation dialog box will automatically launch. If it does not launch automatically, you can initiate the process by navigating to Start > All Programs > ArcGIS > Business Analyst Server 10.6.1 > Business Analyst Server Post Install.
- Registers the Business Analyst Server Object extension on your ArcGIS Server.
- Allows configuration of Business Analyst Server settings.
Post installation
The Business Analyst Server post installation registers the Business Analyst Server object extensions on ArcGIS Server and allows the configuration of Business Analyst Server settings.
After you complete your Business Analyst Server setup, the post installation dialog box below should automatically appear. If it does not, you can initiate the process by navigating to Start > All Programs > ArcGIS > Business Analyst Server 10.6.1 > Business Analyst Server Post Install
- In the Configure Portal dialog box select the type of installation. Click Next.
- Typical Federated with Portal will allow for leveraging new capabilities at 10.6.1 such as configuring on-premises Geoenrichment as a utility service in Portal and installing the Business Analyst web app on premises while still supporting legacy methods of Business Analyst Server. A Service with the standard name DefaultMap will be published.
- Typical standalone will publish the standard DefaultMap service with the legacy Business Analyst Server methods.
- Custom will publish a typical standalone service with the option to manually configure Business Analyst settings.
Typical standalone
- In the ArcGIS Server Credentials dialog box, enter the user name and password for the user that administers ArcGIS Server. Click Next.
- The Business Analyst Server Post Install Summary dialog box appears. Click Next.
- The Export Business Analyst Server Post Install Configuration file dialog box appears. Click Next.
- The Business Analyst Server Post Install Completion Summary dialog box appears indicating that the post installation is complete. Click Finish.
- In the Welcome to Business Analyst Server Post Install dialog box, you can manually configure the settings for the post installation, specify a path to a configuration file or accept the defaults. Click Next.
The Business Analyst Server Registration dialog is displayed.
- Specify the host name of where Business Analyst Server is installed. If this is the local system, type localhost. Click Next.
- In the Portal Credentials dialog box, type the portal path in the Enter Portal url: text box. Click Next.
- In the Portal Authentication dialog box, type in your username and password in the Username and Password text boxes. Click Next.
- In the Dataset configuration dialog box, select the dataset that you want associated with the Business Analyst Server map service by clicking the Make available check box. Select the default dataset by clicking the Set as default radio button. Click Next.
If the Business Analyst Server data was installed from the ArcGIS Server Object Manager host machine then the data component location boxes will be populated automatically. If the Business Analyst Server data was not installed, browse to the custom dataset configuration file and data component locations. It is possible to configure the Business Analyst Map Service to use more than one dataset in this dialog box.
- Specify the Business Analyst dataset configuration.
- In the Create Business Analyst Server Map Services dialog box, specify the name of your Business Analyst Map Service and browse to the MSD file that you want published as your Business Analyst Map Service. By default, the map document used is stored as [Install]\ArcGIS\Business Analyst\US\Data\ Click Next.
- Specify the democalc setting to be used by each dataset in your Business Analyst Map Service. Click Next.
- In the Configure Geocoder dialog box configure the geocoder that you want to use with Business Analyst Server. If the geocoder is file-based, browse to the address locator file. If the geocoder is a geocode service, specify the host name of the server and the geocode service name. Click Next.
- Specify the Business Analyst Server repository type. Click Next.
- If you chose the File-based Repository, the Business Analyst Server file-based repository location dialog box appears. Browse to the repository location and click Next.
If the Warning dialog box appears, click OK to create a new repository folder structure.
- If you chose the ArcSDE-based Repository, the Business Analyst Server ArcSDE repository configuration dialog box appears. Enter the ArcSDE connection settings and click Next.
- If you chose the File-based Repository, the Business Analyst Server file-based repository location dialog box appears. Browse to the repository location and click Next.
- The Business Analyst Server Post Install Summary dialog box appears. Click Next.
- The Export Business Analyst Server Post Install Configuration file dialog box appears. Click Next.
- The Business Analyst Server Post Install Completion Summary dialog box appears indicating that the post installation is complete. An informative message appears with a reminder to publish the demographic map services needed to power Color Coded Maps in the Business Analyst web app. Click Finish.
Business Analyst Server silent install
Business Analyst Server 10.6.1 can be installed without a user interface (UI) by running the setup using Windows Installer command line parameters. To run the Windows Installer with command line parameters, you execute setup.exe from the command line.
- Run Command Prompt as administrator.
- Windows Installer version 3.1 must be installed and running on your machine prior to running the setup silently.
- All previous versions must be uninstalled before you proceed with the silent installation.
Command line parameters
msiexec /i \\<Path to Business Analyst Server Install>\setup.msi /q
Parameter explanations:
Parameter | Description |
Path to installer | The path to the setup.msi file. |
Command-line options | For a list of options available using Windows Installer in a command line environment, please see: |
How to perform a silent installation of Business Analyst 2020 data
msiexec /i <full path> /q
For installing Business Analyst data in the default configuration.
msiexec /i \\<path to data install>\setup.msi /q
You can also select which data features will be installed using ADDLOCAL parameter, e.g.:
msiexec /i \\<path to data install>\setup.msi /q ADDLOCAL=Businesses_Data
In this case only businesses data will be installed locally. For the 2020 Data Setup, the list of the feature names are:
- Demographic_Data
- Businesses_Data
- Streets_Data
- Streets_Data_Fast_Map
- Geocoding_Data_Pro
- Geocoding_Data
- ZIP4_Geocoding_Data
If you want to change the data install location (default is C:\ArcGIS\Business Analyst\US_2020), use INSTALLDIR property:
msiexec /i \\<path to data install>\setup.msi /q INSTALLDIR=E:\US2020
For setting the custom install folders into separate components, use the following properties:
msiexec /i \\<path to data install>\setup.msi /q BUSINESSES_DATA=E:\US2020Businesses
How to perform a silent installation of Business Analyst Server
To install Business Analyst Server in silent mode, open a command line console and enter the following command:
msiexec /i \\<path to Business Analyst Server Install>\setup.msi /qn
How to perform the Business Analyst Server Post Install silently
To run the Business Analyst Server Post Install, you will need a JSON file that will help to define the properties of the resulting map service.
BAServerPostInstall.exe /readconfig \\<path to configuration file>\BAServerPostInstallConfig_Repo.json
If there are any concerns about the Post Install, a log file is saved: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp folder