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Create location definitions

Location Architect allows you to create relationships between attribute forms in your MicroStrategy project and ArcGIS location types such as Address, US State, or Country. These relationships, called location definitions, are stored in your model. Location definitions are used by Esri Maps for MicroStrategy at run time to automatically generate a map layer from the data in a report.

To learn more about how location definitions work, see What is Location Architect?

  1. Start Location Architect and sign in to ArcGIS if prompted to do so.
  2. In Location Architect, click the Location definitions tab and click the New button.

    The Create new location definition wizard opens.

  3. Browse to and select the attribute forms you want to use in your location definition. Click Next.
  4. Do one of the following to specify how location is represented in the selected attribute fields:
    • To use a default location type, choose one of the location types in the list.
    • To use a map service or feature service from ArcGIS as a location type, follow the steps in Add a location type.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Choose the columns containing the location information.
  7. If you chose Latitude, Longitude for the location type, the default coordinate system that will be used is World Geodetic Survey (WGS) 1984. To specify a different coordinate system, do the following:
    1. Click the Advanced link.
    2. Choose the appropriate coordinate system for your data. Choose Other if your data is in a coordinate system other than WGS 1984 or Web Mercator.
    3. If you chose Other, type the well-known ID (WKID) of the coordinate system in the WKID text box.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Specify the format of the column data you specified, and choose the fields you want to include in pop-ups.
  10. If you want a different name for the location definition, type the name you want.
  11. If you want the map to zoom to the full extent of the layer that is created from this location definition, check the Zoom to layer check box.
  12. Click Create location definition.

    The location definition is listed in the Location definitions table, and a details page for the new location definition is displayed.

  13. Repeat steps 2 through 12 to create additional location definitions.

    To remove a location definition you created from the model, select the location definition in the table and click the Delete button. To change the priority order of a location definition, see Prioritize location definitions.

If you have attributes in your project that are not associated with location data, you can associate them with existing location definitions so that they can be displayed on a map. For more information, see Create location definition identifiers.