Esri Tapestry Segmentation

Esri provides an Esri Tapestry Segmentation advanced demographics dataset that contains detailed summaries of communities across the United States. The Esri Tapestry Segmentation dataset is sourced from data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey, consumer surveys such as MRI-Simmons, and Esri's demographic data team. Visit Where to find Esri Location Data to learn more about using advanced demographics.

The Esri Tapestry Segmentation dataset groups residential areas into segments based on shared demographic, socioeconomic, and lifestyle characteristics. Neighborhoods with the most similar characteristics are grouped together, and neighborhoods showing divergent characteristics are separated. For a broader view of consumer markets, segments are summarized into LifeMode groups and Urbanization groups. LifeMode groups share similar demographic characteristics and consumer behavior patterns, while Urbanization groups are based on segments' geographic and physical features.

Esri Tapestry Segmentation data can be used to understand a community's complexity. Each segment provides insight into patterns at the neighborhood and community level and can be used to compare segments and groups. Typically, communities are composed of multiple segments and the diversity of an area's segments is relevant to understanding each community's unique socioeconomic and demographic dynamics.


Review the Tapestry segment summaries for descriptions that synthesize socioeconomic status, neighborhood dynamics, and market potential, providing an enriched understanding of a community.

Release date

Esri Tapestry Segmentation was updated in June 2024; the vintage is 2024.

Available geographies

Esri Tapestry Segmentation is available for all U.S. Census geographic levels.

Update frequency

Population and household counts by Tapestry segment are updated annually. While most geographic areas retain their original Tapestry segment assignment, specified areas can be assigned a new market segment when research uncovers new or significant local growth. The entire Esri Tapestry Segmentation system is updated every three to five years, resulting in a more comprehensive reassignment in rapidly changing neighborhoods.


The Esri Tapestry Segmentation dataset is a market segmentation system that uses an array of variables to describe the characteristics of diverse communities. The source data from which this dataset is created uses a combination of household characteristics (for example, family structure, income), personal traits (for example, age, education, employment, marital status), and housing characteristics (for example, home value, type of housing, tenure, seasonal status, and owner costs relative to income).

Esri uses multiple clustering techniques to categorize the source data for thousands of U.S. neighborhoods into distinct segments. The process begins with a K-means clustering algorithm, which is used to identify groups in data by assigning data points into a specified number of clusters. This method optimizes homogeneity within each cluster through an iterative process. Next, Ward's hierarchical minimum variance method is applied to group these initial clusters into larger segments. This method minimizes the variance within segments by grouping those that are most similar, resulting in a more refined collection of segments.

Esri combines these traditional methods with advanced data mining techniques to manage and analyze large geodemographic databases, making the dataset less vulnerable to outliers and more reliable for detailed small-area analysis. Regular updates to segments reflect local demographic changes, ensuring that the Esri Tapestry Segmentation dataset remains current relative to the evolving market landscape.

For more information about Esri Tapestry Segmentation methodology, see the 2024 Esri Tapestry Segmentation Methodology Statement (ArcGIS StoryMaps); a PDF is also available.


The Esri Tapestry Segmentation dataset provides a nuanced portrait of communities. This data is most meaningful when incorporated into hyper-local analysis. The number of neighborhoods that you are generalizing determines your analytic outcome: generalizing large populations tends to reveal broader characteristics and population trends, while classifying smaller populations creates a more detailed and descriptive profile of a community. For example, identifying the predominant segment for a U.S. state typically requires summarizing millions of individuals—this generalization loses the meaningful, multi-faceted portrait that Esri Tapestry Segmentation provides when used for smaller communities, such as for a ZIP Code.

Conversely, Esri Tapestry Segmentation data is representative of general community-level trends and should not be used to extrapolate characteristics and behaviors at an individual level. In other words, aggregate-level segment information cannot be used to infer information about individuals. For example, a segment associated with a community-level pattern of frequent social media use does not suggest that all individuals residing in that segment are uniformly frequent social media users.

These limitations should be considered when working with Esri Tapestry Segmentation data. For alternative approaches to identifying socioeconomic and consumer-related patterns across varying levels of geographies, see the following:

Sample questions and use cases

The Esri Tapestry Segmentation dataset reflects the diversity and unique qualities of American communities. The segments provide a broad picture of the traits of small communities using a common broad set of metrics for comparison. Decision-makers can use this dataset to learn how consumers spend their time and their money, what communities are interested in, and anticipate their marketplace behavior.

Sample questions that can be answered using Esri Tapestry Segmentation data include the following:

  • Which neighborhoods are most likely to be interested in a specific product based on their lifestyle and spending habits?
  • Where would be a good location within this city to put my new business based on spending habits, interests, and consumer behavior?
  • What marketing messages would be most appealing in this segment based on their unique characteristics?
  • Where are the most effective places to target a marketing campaign for this new lifestyle product?
  • Which neighborhoods are most likely to be good growth markets for new home buyers in the next five years?

Example use cases for Esri Tapestry Segmentation data include the following:

Product marketing

Product marketing professionals can use Esri Tapestry Segmentation data to create targeted marketing campaigns, customer loyalty programs, and personalized experiences for identified segments or groups. Informed campaigns can help to provide messaging that speaks directly to the customer base, building product, brand, and store loyalty and attracting new customers.

Policy makers

Policymakers can use Esri Tapestry Segmentation data to determine community service priorities, identify where vulnerable populations might be clustered, and locate those segments experiencing the highest socioeconomic risks. Esri Tapestry Segmentation can also be used to assess which services are in highest demand in each segment.

Site selection

Retailers can identify potential new markets based on consumer spending habits and interests that are ready for potential expansion, as well as locate areas where operations that are in less demand could be combined or cut back.

Related links

Refer to the following content:

  • For information about reports, see Esri Reports.
  • For information about purchasing Esri datasets as stand-alone content, contact
  • For information about the number of credits needed to run reports, see the Credits by capability topic or the ArcGIS Location Platform Pricing topic (scroll to Business Search, Infographics, and Reports).

Tapestry segment summaries

The 67 distinct markets of Tapestry detail the diversity of the United States population. Grouping the segments can simplify these differences by summarizing markets that share similar traits. There are 14 LifeMode groups and 6 Urbanization groups.

LifeMode groups

LifeMode groups represent markets that share a common experience—born in the same generation or immigration from another country, for example—or a significant demographic trait, such as affluence. Tapestry segments are classified into 14 LifeMode groups:

Click a link to view a PDF summary.

LifeModeSegment ID and name (PDF)

LifeMode 1 Affluent Estates

  • Established wealth—educated, well-traveled married couples.
  • Less than 10% of all households, with 20% of household income.
  • Homeowners (almost 90%) with mortgages (65.2%).
  • Married-couple families with children ranging from grade school to college.
  • Expect quality and invest in time-saving services.
  • Participate actively in their communities.
  • Active in sports and enthusiastic travelers.

1A Top Tier

1B Professional Pride

1C Boomburbs

1D Savvy Suburbanites

1E Exurbanites

LifeMode 2 Upscale Avenues

  • Prosperous married couples living in older suburban enclaves.
  • Ambitious and hardworking.
  • Homeowners (70%) who prefer denser, more urban settings with older homes and a large share of town homes.
  • Primarily married couples, many with older children.
  • Financially responsible.
  • Serious shoppers, from Nordstrom to Marshalls or DSW, who appreciate quality and bargains.
  • Active in fitness pursuits such as bicycling, jogging, yoga, and hiking.
  • Subscribe to premium movie channels such as HBO and Starz.

2A Urban Chic

2B Pleasantville

2C Pacific Heights

2D Enterprising Professionals

LifeMode 3 Uptown Individuals

  • Young, successful singles in the city.
  • Highest-educated market, highest rate of labor force participation, and averse to traditional commitments of marriage and home ownership.
  • Urban dwellers, partial to city life, high-rise apartments, and uptown neighborhoods.
  • Prefer credit cards over debit cards, while paying down student loans.
  • Green and generous to environmental, cultural, and political organizations.
  • Internet dependent, from social connections to shopping for fashion, tracking investments, making travel arrangements, and watching television and movies.
  • Adventurous and open to new experiences and places.

3A Laptops and Lattes

3B Metro Renters

3C Trendsetters

LifeMode 4 Family Landscapes

  • Successful young families in their first homes.
  • Prosperous married-couple families, residing in suburban or semirural areas with a low vacancy rate (second lowest).
  • Homeowners (79%) with mortgages (second-highest %), living in newer single-family homes, with median home value slightly higher than the U.S. median value.
  • Two workers in the family, contributing to the second-highest labor force participation rate, as well as low unemployment.
  • Do-it-yourself types who work on home improvement projects as well as their lawns and gardens.
  • Sports enthusiasts, typically owning newer sedans or SUVs, dogs, and savings accounts/plans, who are comfortable with the latest technology.
  • Eat out frequently at fast food or family restaurants to accommodate their busy lifestyle.
  • Especially enjoy bowling, swimming, playing golf, playing video games, and taking trips to a zoo or theme park.

4A Workday Drive

4B Home Improvement

4C Middleburg

LifeMode 5 GenXurban

  • Gen X in middle age; families with fewer kids and a mortgage.
  • Second-largest Tapestry group, composed of Gen X married couples, and a growing population of retirees.
  • About a fifth of residents are 65 or older; about a fourth of households have retirement income.
  • Own older single-family homes in urban areas, with 1 or 2 vehicles.
  • Live and work in the same county, creating shorter commute times.
  • Invest wisely, well insured, comfortable banking online or in person.
  • News enthusiasts (read a daily newspaper, watch news on TV, and go online for news).
  • Enjoy reading, renting movies, playing board games and cards, doing crossword puzzles, going to museums and rock concerts, dining out, and walking for exercise.

5A Comfortable Empty Nesters

5B In Style

5C Parks and Rec

5D Rustbelt Traditions

5E Midlife Constants

LifeMode 6 Cozy Country Living

  • Empty nesters in bucolic settings.
  • Largest Tapestry group, almost half of households located in the Midwest.
  • Homeowners with pets, residing in single-family dwellings in rural areas. Almost 30% have 3 or more vehicles and, therefore, auto loans.
  • Politically conservative and believe in the importance of buying American.
  • Own domestic trucks, motorcycles, and ATVs/UTVs.
  • Prefer to eat at home, shop at discount retail stores (especially Walmart), bank in person, and spend little time online.
  • Own every tool and piece of equipment available to maintain their homes, vehicles, vegetable gardens, and lawns.
  • Listen to country music; watch auto racing on TV; and enjoy outdoor activities, such as fishing, hunting, camping, boating, and bird watching.

6A Green Acres

6B Salt of the Earth

6C The Great Outdoors

6D Prairie Living

6E Rural Resort Dwellers

6F Heartland Communities

LifeMode 7 Sprouting Explorers

  • Young homeowners with families.
  • Multilingual and multi generational households with children who represent second-, third-, or fourth-generation Hispanic families.
  • Neighborhoods feature single-family, owner-occupied homes built at city's edge, primarily built after 1980.
  • Hardworking and optimistic, most residents aged 25 years or older have a high school diploma or some college education.
  • Shopping and leisure also focus on their children—baby and children's products from shoes to toys and games and trips to theme parks, water parks, or the zoo.

  • Children enjoy playing video games on personal computers or handheld or console devices.
  • Many households have dogs for domestic pets.

7A Up and Coming Families

7B Urban Villages

7C Urban Edge Families

7D Forging Opportunity

7E Farm to Table

7F Southwestern Families

LifeMode 8 Middle Ground

  • Lifestyles of thirtysomethings.
  • Millennials in the middle: single/married, renters/homeowners, middle class/working class.
  • Urban market mix of single-family, town home, and multiunit dwellings.
  • Majority of residents attended college or attained a college degree.
  • Householders have traded their landlines for cell phones, which they use to listen to music, read the news, and get the latest sports updates on their favorite teams.
  • Online all the time: use the internet for entertainment (downloading music, watching YouTube, finding dates), social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn), searching for employment.
  • Leisure includes nightlife (clubbing, movies), going to the beach, some travel and hiking.

8A City Lights

8B Emerald City

8C Bright Young Professionals

8D Downtown Melting Pot

8E Front Porches

8F Old and Newcomers

8G Hometown Heritage

LifeMode 9 Senior Styles

  • Senior lifestyles reveal the effects of saving for retirement.
  • Households are commonly married empty nesters or singles living alone. Homes are single family (including seasonal getaways), retirement communities, or high-rise apartments.
  • More affluent seniors travel and relocate to warmer climates; less affluent, settled seniors are still working toward retirement.
  • Cell phones are popular, but so are landlines.
  • Many prefer print to digital media: avid readers of newspapers to stay current.
  • Subscribe to cable television to watch channels such as Fox News, CNN, and The Weather Channel.
  • Residents prefer vitamins and a regular exercise regimen.

9A Silver & Gold

9B Golden Years

9C The Elders

9D Senior Escapes

9E Retirement Communities

9F Social Security Set

LifeMode 10 Rustic Outposts

  • Country life with older families in older homes.
  • Depend on manufacturing, retail, and healthcare, with pockets of mining and agricultural jobs.
  • Low labor force participation in skilled and service occupations.
  • Own affordable, older single-family or mobile homes. Vehicle ownership is a must.
  • Residents live within their means, shop at discount stores, and maintain their own vehicles (purchased used) and homes.
  • Outdoor enthusiasts, who grow their own vegetables, love their pets, and enjoy hunting and fishing.
  • Pay bills in person; use the yellow pages; read newspapers, magazines, and mail-order books.

10A Southern Satellites

10B Rooted Rural

10C Economic BedRock

10D Down the Road

10E Rural Bypasses

LifeMode 11 Midtown Singles

  • Millennials on the move—single, urban.
  • Millennials seeking affordable rents in apartment buildings.
  • Work in service and unskilled positions, usually close to home or public transportation.
  • Single parents with very young children.
  • Embrace the internet for social networking and downloading content.
  • From music and movies to soaps and sports, radio and television fill their lives.
  • Brand-savvy shoppers select budget-friendly stores.

11A City Strivers

11B Young and Restless

11C Metro Fusion

11D Set to Impress

11E City Commons

LifeMode 12 Hometown

  • Growing up and staying close to home; single householders.
  • Close-knit urban communities of young singles (many with children).
  • Owners of old, single-family houses, or renters in small multiunit buildings.
  • Religion is the cornerstone of many of these communities.
  • Visit discount stores and clip coupons.
  • Purchase used vehicles to get to and from nearby jobs.

12A Family Foundations

12B Traditional Living

12C Small Town Sincerity

12D Modest Income Homes

LifeMode 13 Next Wave

  • Urban dwellers; young, hardworking families.
  • A large share are foreign born and speak only their native language.
  • Young, or multi generational, families with children are typical.
  • Most are renters in older multiunit structures, built in the 1960s or earlier.
  • Hardworking with long commutes to jobs, often using public transit to commute to work.
  • Spending reflects the youth of these consumers, focus on children (top market for children's apparel) and personal appearance.
  • Also a top market for moviegoers (second only to college students) and fast food.
  • Partial to soccer and basketball.

13A Diverse Convergence

13B Family Extensions

13C NeWest Residents

13D Fresh Ambitions

13E High Rise Renters

LifeMode 14 Scholars and Patriots

  • College and military populations that share many traits due to the transitional nature of this LifeMode group.
  • Highly mobile, recently moved to attend school or serve in military.
  • The youngest market group, with a majority in the 15- to 24-year-old range.
  • Renters with roommates in nonfamily households.
  • For many, no vehicle is necessary as they live close to campus, military base, or jobs.
  • Fast-growing group with most living in apartments.
  • Part-time jobs help to supplement active lifestyles.
  • Millennials are tethered to their phones and electronic devices, typically spending over 5 hours online every day tweeting, blogging, and consuming media.
  • Purchases aimed at fitness, fashion, technology, and the necessities of moving.
  • Highly social, free time is spent enjoying music, being out with friends, seeing movies.
  • Try to eat healthy, but often settle for fast food.

14A Military Proximity

14B College Towns

14C Dorms to Diplomas

All Segment Summaries

All Segment Summaries (96.4 MB)

Urbanization groups

Tapestry groups are also available as Urbanization summary groups, in which markets share similar locales, from the urban canyons of the largest cities to the rural lanes of villages or farms. Tapestry segments are classified into six Urbanization groups:

Click a link to view a PDF summary.

UrbanizationSegment ID and name (PDF)

Principal Urban Centers

  • Young, mobile populations living in the most densely populated neighborhoods of the largest cities (populations of 2.5 million or more).
  • Traits shared by more than 2.5 million people: crowding, high cost of living, and full access to urban amenities, including jobs.
  • Youngest population among the Urbanization groups.
  • Households are renter occupied by singles or roommates.
  • The most challenging market for auto sales: half the commuters use public transportation, bicycles, or walk to work.
  • Focus on style and image with liberal spending on apparel.
  • Constantly connected, using the internet for everything from finding jobs to finding dates.

3A Laptops and Lattes

3B Metro Renters

3C Trendsetters

8D Downtown Melting Pot

11A City Strivers

13C NeWest Residents

13D Fresh Ambitions

13E High Rise Renters

Urban Periphery

  • City life for starting families in neighborhoods that fringe major cities.
  • The earliest suburbs, built before 1970, primarily single-family housing with some apartments.
  • Young families with children.
  • Homeowners living closer to the city, with below-average vacancy rates.
  • Leisure focuses on the children (visits to theme parks or water parks), sports (soccer, basketball, football), and movies.
  • Spending also emphasizes the children—clothing, toys, and baby products.
  • Parents of small children favor family restaurants and fast food.
  • Smart phones are popular for social contacts, downloading apps, games, and music.

2C Pacific Heights

5D Rustbelt Traditions

7B Urban Villages

7C Urban Edge Families

7D Forging Opportunity

7F Southwestern Families

8A City Lights

8C Bright Young Professionals

11C Metro Fusion

12A Family Foundations

12D Modest Income Homes

13A Diverse Convergence

13B Family Extensions

Metro Cities

  • Affordable city life including smaller metropolitan cities or satellite cities that feature a mix of single-family and multiunit housing.
  • Single householders seeking affordable living in the city: usually multiunit buildings that range from mid- to high-rise apartments with average monthly rents and home value below the U.S. average.
  • Consumers include college students, affluent Gen X couples, and retirement communities.
  • Student loans more common than mortgages; debit cards more popular than credit cards.
  • Residents share an interest in city life and its amenities, from dancing and clubbing to museums and concerts.
  • Convenience and mobility favor cell phones over landlines.
  • Many residents rely on the internet for entertainment (download music, play online games) and as a useful resource (job searches).

5B In Style

8B Emerald City

8E Front Porches

8F Old and Newcomers

8G Hometown Heritage

9E Retirement Communities

9F Social Security Set

11B Young and Restless

11D Set to Impress

11E City Commons

12B Traditional Living

14B College Towns

14C Dorms to Diplomas

Suburban Periphery

  • Urban expansion: affluence in the suburbs or city-by-commute.
  • The most populous and fastest-growing among Urbanization groups, Suburban Periphery includes one-third of the nation's population.
  • Commuters value low-density living but demand proximity to jobs, entertainment, and the amenities of an urban center.
  • Well-educated, two-income households who accept long commute times to raise their children in these family-friendly neighborhoods. Many are heavily mortgaged in newly built, single-family homes.
  • Older householders have either retired in place, downsized, or purchased a seasonal home.
  • Suburbanites are the most affluent group, working hard to lead bright, fulfilled lives.
  • Residents invest for their future and insure themselves against unforeseen circumstances but also enjoy the results of their hard work.

1A Top Tier

1B Professional Pride

1C Boomburbs

1D Savvy Suburbanites

1E Exurbanites

2A Urban Chic

2B Pleasantville

2D Enterprising Professionals

4A Workday Drive

4B Home Improvement

5A Comfortable Empty Nesters

5C Parks and Rec

5E Midlife Constants

7A Up and Coming Families

9A Silver & Gold

9B Golden Years

9C The Elders

14A Military Proximity


  • The most affordable housing—in smaller towns and communities located throughout the country.
  • Single-family and mobile homes in the country but still within reach of some amenities.
  • Embrace a quiet, country lifestyle including listening to country music, attending country performances, riding ATVs, and camping.
  • Prefer domestic products and vehicles, especially trucks.
  • Shop at large department and discount stores such as Walmart.
  • Fast food and frozen meals are much more common than fine dining.
  • Many make a living off the land through agriculture, fishing, and forestry.
  • Time off is spent visiting nearby family rather than flying to vacation destinations.

4C Middleburg

6F Heartland Communities

7E Farm to Table

9D Senior Escapes

10D Down the Road

12C Small Town Sincerity


  • Country living featuring single-family homes with acreage, farms, and rural resort areas.
  • Very low population density distinguishes this group—typically fewer than 50 people per square mile.
  • Over half of all households are occupied by persons 55 years and older; many are married couples without children at home.
  • Mostly homeowners (80%), but rentals are affordable in single-family or mobile homes.
  • Long trips to the store and to work—often drive alone in trucks or SUVs, listening to country radio.
  • Blue-collar jobs dominate the landscape, including manufacturing, agriculture, mining, and construction.
  • Many are self-employed, retired, or receive income from Social Security.
  • Satellite TV and landline phones are necessary means to connect.
  • More conservative in their spending practices.
  • Comfortable, established, and not likely to move.

6A Green Acres

6B Salt of the Earth

6C The Great Outdoors

6D Prairie Living

6E Rural Resort Dwellers

10A Southern Satellites

10B Rooted Rural

10C Economic BedRock

10E Rural Bypasses