Manage data store items

As the owner of a data store item or as an organization administrator, you can manage settings and details for the data store item. This includes updating the overview information for the item, changing the item's status, enabling delete protection on the item, and defining the spatial extent to which the data in the data store applies.

If the data store accesses a cloud data warehouse or a cloud storage location, credentials may change periodically or you may move the data. In those cases, you can update the connection information stored with the data store item.

You can also delete data store items that you no longer need.

Update connection information for a database or cloud storage data store item

In most organizations, passwords and other credential information (such as an IAM role or access keys) must be reset on a regular basis to maintain security. When credentials or other connection information changes, you must update it for the data store item in your ArcGIS Online organization.

You cannot change the platform or cloud provider, but you can change the other settings for a data store item.

Follow the steps below to change connection information for a data store item:

  1. Sign in to the organization.

    You must sign in as the owner of the data store item or an organization administrator.

  2. Open the details page for the data store and click the Settings tab.
  3. Scroll down to the Data Store section of the Settings tab and click Update Password.
  4. Change one or more of the connection settings.

    If you're updating a database data store item, you must provide a username and password, even if you're not updating those connection properties.

  5. Click Validate to confirm that ArcGIS Online can access the data source using the information you provided.
  6. Click Save to apply the changes.

Delete a data store

If you no longer need a data store item as a data pipeline input, you can delete the data store item.

Deleting the data store item does not delete the data or the data source location.

To delete a data store item, connect to the organization as the item owner or an organization administrator and follow the instructions to delete an item.