Publish a site or page

Any change you make to a site or page, including updates to its layout, settings, and theme, can be saved as a draft. The owner of a site or page and its core team members can create a draft and send its URL to others for review. A draft does not impact the current version of a site or page until it's published.


Changes made to a site and any pages attached to it must be published independently of one another. You must open the page in edit mode and use the Save drop-down menu to create or publish a draft version of a page.

Create a draft

To save a version of your site or page as a draft, follow these steps.

  1. Open a site or page in edit mode.
  2. Click the Save drop-down menu.
  3. Click Preview Draft.

    To copy a link to the draft, click Share URL in the upper right corner of the page. To view the draft, the viewer must have view access to the site or page. For more information, see View access.

Publish changes

You can publish changes during an editing session to share the most recent version of your site or page.


When you publish a draft, any changes made during the editing session permanently override the existing version of the site or page. The audience with whom the site or page is shared sees the most recent changes. For example, if your site's or page's visibility is set to Public, your changes become visible to everyone.

  1. Open a site or page in edit mode.
  2. Click the Save drop-down menu.
  3. Click Publish Draft.

    You cannot revert to the previous version of the site or page.

View the current version of a site or page

You can view a site or page as it appears to your audience by choosing View Published.


Use this option to open your site or page in another browser window and compare it to your draft version.

Delete changes

To delete all changes made during an editing session, choose Delete Draft. Choosing this option does not affect the current view of the site or page.

Related topics

For more information, see the following: