Configure site settings

Every site has its own settings and capabilities that Hub administrators and the site's owner and core team members can configure.

Update site name and summary

Your site's or initiative site's name and summary are visible in search results. If your site is shared publicly, the name and summary are also visible through searches queried using other search engines.

  1. Open a site in edit mode.
  2. Click Settings for your site on the side panel.
  3. In the About section, enter a name for your site in the Name field or change an existing name to something new.

    The Name appears in the site's second drop-down menu on the edit navigation bar. It's also the name used to identify your site or initiative site in the list accessed on the Overview page. The option to show the site name in the header can be configured by following steps provided in Brand a site with header and theme options.

  4. Provide some background information about your site in the Summary field.
  5. Click Save.

    The name and summary that you provide correspond to the name and summary of the Site Application item in ArcGIS Online.

Use a custom basemap

You can configure your site to use a custom basemap. A site's basemap is displayed on a site's content preview page. This means that any item shared to your site that has a preview page (datasets and feature layers) includes the basemap you choose so that people can view and explore spatial data.By default, your Map Viewer gallery contains a set of basemaps from Esri. Your organization can also configure maps in Map Viewer.


All custom basemaps must have HTTPS connections enabled on the service.

  1. In edit mode, open the site's side panel and click Settings.
  2. Click Set Map under the About section.
  3. Use the drop-down menu to select the basemap you want to use. If you don't see the basemap you want, make sure that the basemap you want to use belongs to your organization’s Basemap Gallery. You may need the help of an administrator if you don't have the correct privileges.

    For more information on site mapping capabilities, see 3D web scenes, vector tile basemaps, and more coming to ArcGIS Hub


Interactions include app page, global navigation, document iFrames, the following star, and sharing.

  1. Open a site in edit mode.
  2. Click Settings on the side panel.
  3. Click Interactions.
  4. Click the toggle button to enable or disable an interactions
  5. Click Save.


Choose to enable or disable local projects and an API Explorer.

  1. Open a site in edit mode.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click Data.
  4. Click the toggle button to enable or disable the following capabilities: Local Projections and API Explorer.
  5. Click Save.


Turn on the following beta capabilities to see how upcoming features will appear on your sites.

  1. Open a site in edit mode.
  2. Click Settings on the side panel.
  3. Click Beta.
  4. Click the toggle button to enable or disable Private Item Views, Site Translation, and the Download Sidebar.
  5. Click Save.