What's new in Business Analyst Enterprise

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ArcGIS Business Analyst Enterprise 11.1 introduces enhancements to ArcGIS GeoEnrichment Server and ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App, including updated data, workflows, and infographic capabilities.

Support for 2021 and 2022 data sources

This release provides access to both the Esri 2021 and Esri 2022 data sources in Business Analyst. For the first time, multiple vintages of data can be installed to ArcGIS GeoEnrichment Server and used through Business Analyst Web App and the ArcGIS Pro extension.

Esri 2022 data source

This data source is based on U.S. Census 2020 geographic boundaries and includes:

  • 2022/2027 Esri Updated Demographics
  • 2022/2027 Consumer Spending variables
  • 2022 Esri Tapestry Segmentation variables
  • 2022 Market Potential variables
  • 2022 Business Summary variables
  • 2016-2020 American Community Survey variables
  • Census PL94-171 variables

Esri 2021 data source

This data source is based on U.S. Census 2010 geographic boundaries and includes:

  • 2021/2026 Esri Updated Demographics
  • 2021/2026 Consumer Spending variables
  • 2021 Esri Tapestry Segmentation variables
  • 2021 Market Potential variables
  • 2021 Business Summary variables
  • 2021 Crime Index variables
  • 2017 Retail MarketPlace variables
  • 2015-2019 American Community Survey variables
  • 2000 and 2010 Census variables

Report migration tool

To support users as they migrate content to the 2020 decennial census and its updated geographic boundaries, Business Analyst has created a migration tool for copying content from the Esri 2021 data source into Esri 2022, the new data source.

New data browser category: Psychographics

Within the Market Potential dataset available in Business Analyst, there is a new category called Psychographics. This category contains variables related to consumers' opinions and preferences.

New workflow name: Points of Interest Search

The workflow previously known as Business and Facilities Search has been renamed to Points of Interest Search.

Infographic enhancements

Enhancements include a static map export option for batch HTML exports, dashboards, and ArcGIS StoryMaps stories. Additionally, the maximum number of Nearby locations has been increased to 5,000 and there are new conditional styling options for pie and donut charts.

New Interesting Facts infographic panel

An Interesting Facts infographic panel reveals information about your site that makes it distinctive. Specify a set of variables to search for outlier data values to reveal interesting facts about an area with interactive tables and word clouds. This capability is also expressed in a new standard Shopping and Spending infographic.

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