References a layer file (.lyr or .lyrx) stored on disk.
Layer files authored with ArcGIS Desktop have a .lyr extension and layer files created with ArcGIS AllSource have a .lyrx extension. There is a notable difference. Older .lyr files only store a single layer or a single group layer at the root level although a group layer can have multiple layers or group layers within it. Newer .lyrx files can store multiple layers and/or group layers at the root level. Therefore, a reference to a layer file will be a reference to a list of layers.
The ArcGIS AllSource application can read legacy .lyr file types, but it can only save to .lyrx file types. If a .lyr file type is being referenced the save method will not work, you must use the saveACopy method instead.
For a more complete discussion on working with layers, refer to the Layer Class help topic.
LayerFile (layer_file_path)
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
layer_file_path | A string that includes the full system path and file name of an existing layer file. | String |
Exemple de code
The following script references a layer file and inserts a single layer named Ranger Stations into a map above an existing layer named Points of Interest.
import arcpy
aprx ="C:\Projects\YosemiteNP\Yosemite.aprx")
insertLyr ="C:\Projects\YosemiteNP\LayerFiles\Ranger Stations.lyrx")
m = aprx.listMaps("Yosemite National Park")[0]
refLyr = m.listLayers("Points of Interest")[0]
m.insertLayer(refLyr, insertLyr, "BEFORE")
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