What is the Charts module

AllSource 1.3    |

The arcpy.charts module allows you to visualize and explore your data to help uncover patterns, relationships, and structure that might not be apparent when looking at a table or map. These classes correspond to the charts available in ArcGIS AllSource.



The Bar class creates bar charts. Bar charts summarize and compare categorical data using proportional bar lengths to represent values.


The Box class creates box plots. Box plots allow you to visualize and compare the distribution and central tendency of numeric values through their quartiles.


The CalendarHeat class create calendar heat charts. Calendar heat charts visualize patterns in temporal data by aggregating incidents into a calendar grid.


The DataClock class creates data clocks. Data clocks visually summarize temporal data into two dimensions to reveal seasonal or cyclical patterns and trends over time.


The Histogram class creates histograms. Histograms visually summarize the distribution of a continuous numeric variable by measuring the frequency at which certain values appear in the dataset.


The Line class creates line charts. Line charts allow you to visualize change over a continuous range, such as time or distance. Visualizing change with a line chart allows for the overall trend to be displayed at once, and for multiple trends to be compared simultaneously.


The MatrixHeat class creates matrix heat charts. Matrix heat charts analyze relationships between two categorical fields, which can be visualized by count or summarized by a numeric field.


The Pie class creates pie charts. Pie charts group data into slices to visualize part-to-whole relationships.


The QQPlot class creates QQ plots. Quantile-quantile (QQ) plots are an exploratory tool used to assess the similarity between the distribution of one numeric variable and a normal distribution, or between the distributions of two numeric variables.


The Scatter class creates scatter plots. Scatter plots visualize the relationship between two numeric variables, where one variable is displayed on the x-axis, and the other variable is displayed on the y-axis. For each record, a point is plotted where the two variables intersect in the chart. When the resulting points form a nonrandom structure, a relationship exists between the two variables.


The ScatterMatrix class creates scatter plot matrices. A scatter plot matrix is a grid (or matrix) of scatter plots used to visualize bivariate relationships between combinations of variables. Each scatter plot in the matrix visualizes the relationship between a pair of variables, allowing many relationships to be explored in one chart.


The chart classes are subclasses of the Chart class and inherit all properties and methods from the parent class.

Utility Classes



The Guide class contains properties for configuring chart guides.


The TimeBinningProperties class contains properties for configuring time binning used for temporal charts.