Publishing a feature layer to ArcGIS Online

Esri Redistricting allows you to publish your district plan as a feature layer to ArcGIS Online. Feature layers make it easy to view the district plan in the map viewer and access district information and demographic information when the plan was published.


You can use your Esri Global Account to publish to ArcGIS Online; however, you must first register your Esri Global Account with ArcGIS Online.

  1. On the Share ribbon, click Publish Feature Layer.

    The Login to ArcGIS Online dialog box appears. The user name and password are automatically populated from your Esri Redistricting account.

  2. Verify your ArcGIS Online user name and password.
  3. Click OK.

    The ArcGIS Online - Feature Layer Details dialog box appears. The title and tags are automatically populated from the plan.

  4. Enter a title for the map package.
  5. Enter a description for the map package.
  6. Enter tags for the map package.
    • Type tags and separate tags with a comma.
    • Click Choose from your tags, check the existing tags you want to use, and click OK.

    Tags are words or short phrases that describe the map package. Separate terms with commas. For example, Federal land is considered one tag, while Federal, land is considered two tags.


    When publishing to ArcGIS Online, tags are automatically associated with the plan based on the plan geography, the plan name, and the geography level. To ease the search process, it is recommended that the default tags remain with the plan; however, you can add or edit the tags as needed.

  7. Select a thumbnail for the map package:
    • Full extent of the plan
    • Current extent
    • Upload thumbnail
  8. Click Next.

    The publish wizard displays sharing options.

  9. Select a sharing option:
    • Everyone allows all ArcGIS Online users to query your map package.
    • Members of these groups limits the accessibility of the map package to only members within specific groups. If you opt for members of specific groups, ensure you also place a check next to the group you want to allow access to.
  10. Select a folder that will store the map package.

    Optionally, you can create a new folder to store the map package by clicking Create new folder, entering a folder name, and clicking OK.

  11. Click Next.

    The wizard proceeds to the final publishing panel.

  12. Enter use constraints (optional).
  13. Enter a summary (optional).
  14. Enter credits (optional).
  15. Click Publish.

    An ArcGIS Online Notification dialog box appears, notifying you that the map package was successfully published.

  16. Click OK to close the confirmation dialog box.
  17. Once published, you can open the feature layer in ArcGIS Online. The plan is accessible to others based on the sharing options specified at the time of publication.
    When you view the feature layer in ArcMap, you can click a district to view demographic information. The demographics that are displayed are captured from the demographics visible when the map package was created.