Inviting users to a group

As a group owner, you can send invitations to Esri Redistricting users to join your group. Email notification is sent to all users you invite to the group.


Group invitations expire after 14 days from the date the invitation is sent. Expired group invitations, will be noted as expired and users will not be able to accept the invite. Users can click on the invitation to see the group owner and reach out to the group owner directly to be re-invited to the group. Expired invitations can be permanently deleted by clicking Decline.


SaaS users: To leverage groups and sharing in Esri Redistricting, the ArcGIS Online Administrator needs to assign your account with the user type Creator and the role Facilitator.

  1. On the Share ribbon, click Manage Groups.

    The Manage Groups dialog box appears. Groups that you own or are a member of are listed.

  2. Click to highlight a group that you own.

    When a group is highlighted, additional information about the group, such as the title, description, owner, created date, and members, is displayed.

  3. Click Manage Users.

    The Manage Group Users dialog box appears. This dialog box allows you to view members of the group.

  4. Enter a user to search by name.

    You can query using a single letter, for example, w, or a combination of letters, for example, wil.

  5. Click Search.

    Users that match your query are displayed in the Search Results field.


    Esri Redistricting queries both the user name and the full name. In the search results, you will see the full name and the login name. The login name is displayed in parentheses.

  6. Highlight a user from the Search Results field.
  7. Click Send Invitation.

    The Invite User dialog box appears, confirming the invitation.

    An email notification is sent to the email address associated with the user account.

  8. Click OK to proceed with the invitation.
  9. Repeat steps 4–8, as necessary, for all users you want to invite.
  10. Click Close.