GeoMessage tool

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It is recommended that you read What is the GeoMessage tool if you have not already done so.

The GeoMessage tool is a communication tool in ArcGIS Mission that combines a user-created map graphic and message data into a single message format. Geomessages have location metadata (a series of coordinates) attached to the graphic and can be referenced later using this data. They are drawn directly on the mission map. A geomessage in ArcGIS Mission can be one of three types:

  • Point of interest — A map pin used to indicate a single point on a map
  • Line — A map graphic often used to indicate boundaries, roads, or other linear features
  • Polygon — A map graphic used to denote contiguous areas of various types

Create a geomessage

To create a geomessage using Responder, complete the following steps:

  1. Locate the place on the mission map where you want to place the geomessage.
  2. Open the GeoMessage tool.
  3. Select the type of geomessage you want to send.
    • Points of Interest (POIs) are placed by dropping a pin on the map.
    • Lines and polygons are drawn manually on the mission map.
  4. Place or draw your map graphic on the mission map.

When the graphic is complete, a dialog box appears displaying the functional options available for your geomessage. You can use them as necessary, or you can send the plain graphic. However, it is recommended that all geomessages be titled appropriately.

Geomessage options

Certain functional options only apply to specific types of geomessages. These are addressed in the Point of Interest, Lines, and Polygons sections. However, all Responder geomessages include the following functional options:

  • Title
  • Change color
  • Add comments
  • Select recipients
  • Redraw
  • Attach a file
  • Capture a photo

The sections below explain how to use these options.


The default title of any geomessage is New Geomessage, but you can change the title by completing the following steps:

  1. Create a geomessage.
  2. Tap the title field.
  3. Type a new title.

When your title is complete, you can continue to customize your geomessage or you can send it.

Change color

The default color for a geomessage is orange, but you can change it by completing the following steps:

  1. Create a geomessage.
  2. Tap the color icon, which is always to the far right.
  3. Select a color.

You can continue to customize your geomessage or you can send it.

Add comments

Comments or notes can be written as part of a geomessage. To add comments, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a geomessage.
  2. Tap the comments field.
  3. Enter your comment.
  4. Tap Done when you are finished.

When your comment is complete, you can continue to customize your geomessage or you can send it.

Select recipients

A geomessage can be placed directly on the map, or it can be sent to specific mission members or teams.


It is recommended that you select recipients at the end of the customization process. After the recipient list has been entered, the geomessage must be sent in its current state or it must be erased and redrawn.

To select specific recipients, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a geomessage.
  2. Tap the overflow button to the right of the title field.
  3. Tap Send To.
  4. Select your recipients by tapping the add button next to their name.
  5. Tap Send.

Multiple mission members or teams can be selected. You can use the search bar at the top to find or filter the lists of teams and members.


You can delete your original geomessage and redraw it without closing the GeoMessage tool. To do this, complete the following steps

  1. Create a geomessage.
  2. Tap the delete button.
  3. Redraw your map graphic.

You can redraw your graphic as many times as necessary. After you are finished, you can continue to customize your geomessage or you can send it.

Capture a photo

To capture a photo and attach it to a geomessage, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a geomessage.
  2. Tap Take Photo.
  3. Use your device's photographic capabilities to capture a photo.
  4. Tap OK when you are finished.

    Your photo appears below the title if it has been successfully added to the geomessage. Multiple photos can be added to a single geomessage.

When you are finished, you can continue to customize your geomessage or you can send it.

Attach a file

To attach a file to a geomessage, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a geomessage.
  2. Tap Attach a file.

    Your device's file manager opens.

  3. Tap the file you want to add.

    Your file appears below the title if it has been successfully added to the geomessage. Multiple files can be added to a single geomessage.

After your files have been successfully attached, you can continue to customize your geomessage or you can send it.

Point of Interest

You can place a POI on the map to mark a single location, event, or other static feature on the map. POIs are pins placed on the mission map and do not use the draw tools used to create lines or polygons.

POIs have two features that other geomessages do not have:

  • Magnifier — When you add a POI, you can long-press to display a magnifier with a reticle. In this way, you can place POIs with a higher degree of precision than other geomessage types.
  • Coordinates — After you place a POI on the map, the coordinates of that point display in decimal degrees in the functional options banner.


Lines are commonly used to denote boundaries, roads, or other linear map features. As geomessages, lines are drawn manually on the map before they can be customized.

If the line is drawn relatively straight, the Smart Drawing tool appears. Tapping the tool draws a straight line between the endpoints of the previous line.


Polygons are map graphics that are used to denote contiguous areas of various types. They are typically used to call attention to important areas or otherwise enhance map features.

The Smart Drawing tool is available for circles, squares, and rectangles. If one of these is drawn accurately, the tool appears. Tap it to redraw the shape with approximately the same centerpoint, edges, and corners as the manual graphic.

The Fill option is only available for polygons. The default color is orange, but you can change it. However, the color of the fill must be the same as the line. For fill to be an option for the polygon, the endpoints of the outer line must be close to each other, regardless of the shape drawn.

To fill a polygon, complete the following steps:

  1. Draw a polygon.

    If the Fill option is available for your polygon, it appears to the right of the delete button.

  2. Tap Fill.
  3. Choose a color.

To remove fill from a polygon, tap Fill on an existing filled polygon. When your polygon is filled, you can continue to customize your geomessage or you can send it.