Map tools

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Map tools allow you to change the way you interact with the map. These tools are accessed by tapping the Map Tools button on the mission map.

The following tools are available:

  • Member Extent — Shows all active mission members
  • Task Extent - Shows all tasks assigned to you
  • Measure — Measures distance or area on the mission map
  • Basemap — Allows you to change the basemap being used
  • Bookmarks — Zooms to a predetermined location and extent
  • Layers — Changes which graphics or map features are being displayed

The Member Extent, Task Extent, and Measure tools allow you to quickly view and interact with map features. The Basemap, Bookmarks, and Layers tools all interact with the mission map, allowing you to highlight, exclude, or interact with specific pieces of map data.

Member Extent tool

The Member Extent tool allows you to view all active mission members on the mission map, at the closest map extent possible. This tool is useful for gauging the approximate area covered by and determining the relative positioning of mission members. To use this tool, complete the following steps:

  1. Tap the Map Tools button.
  2. Tap Member Extent.

All active mission members are now displayed on the map.

Task Extent tool

The Task Extent tool allows you to view all tasks assigned to you on the mission map, at the closest map extent possible. This tool is useful for quickly identifying tasks on the map and determining their status. To use this tool, complete the following steps:

  1. Tap the Map Tools button.
  2. Tap Task Extent.

Your tasks are now displayed on the map.

Measure tool

Measurements are made by drawing a measurement graphic on the mission map, with the tool providing data based on that graphic. There are two types of measurements supported: distance and area. Uses for this tool include the following:

  • The distance between a user and a map feature
  • The total distance a user will travel during a mission
  • The size of the mission area or map feature

Measurements have different options for creating the graphic, including selecting which units of measurement to use. For any measurement, ensure that the proper units of measurement are selected before creating a measurement graphic.

Change the measurement type

The accuracy of measurements made with this tool only extends to two decimal places. Attempting to measure a short distance or small area using a large unit (for example, miles or square miles) results in the measurement being displayed with a value of zero. Because of this, it may be necessary to change the type of measurement to use the data.

Distance measurements are made by measuring the total distance between two points or a series of points. They can be made in feet, yards, miles, meters, kilometers, or nautical miles.

Area measurements are made by creating a polygon and measuring the internal area of that polygon. They can be made in square feet, square yards, square miles, square meters, square kilometers, acres, or hectares.

Changing the unit of measurement may be done before or after the measurement graphic is created, but changing the type of measurement removes any measurement graphics already on the map.

To change the measurement type, complete the following steps:

  1. Tap the Map Tools button.
  2. Tap Measure.
  3. Tap the drop-down menu next to the currently selected measurement type.
  4. Tap a measurement type.
  5. Tap the drop-down menu next to the measurement value.
  6. Tap a measurement unit.

Create a measurement graphic

Measurement graphics are drawn by hand on the mission map. These graphics are not permanent and last only as long as the measurement tool is open and in use. They are drawn by placing a series of points on the map that correspond to the features being measured.

To create a graphic, complete the following steps:

  1. Tap the Map Tools button.
  2. Tap Measure.
  3. Change your measurement to the appropriate type.
  4. Tap the map to place a point in the location where you want to begin the graphic, whether a distance or area measurement.
  5. Tap as many subsequent points as are a part of the measurement graphic.
  6. View the total distance or area measured in the bottom right of the screen.

To use your location as a measurement point during this process, tap the Current Location button. This is a quick way to measure the distance between yourself and a map feature or another user.

Delete or undo part of a measurement graphic

The Undo tool allows you to remove the most recently drawn point of your measurement graphic without deleting the whole graphic. The Undo tool may be used multiple times, each time removing the most recently created point in your graphic.

To use this tool, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a measurement graphic.
  2. Identify an error in your graphic.
  3. Tap Undo until the error is removed.
  4. Redraw any parts of your measurement graphic that were removed while removing the error.

The Trash tool allows you to delete your entire measurement graphic and redraw it without closing the measurement tools. If the error identified was made early during the drawing process, you may want to remove the measurement graphic entirely and redraw it, rather than use the Undo tool.

Basemap tool

The basemap is the bottom layer of the mission map, and any additional layers or graphics are placed on it. Changing the basemap changes the features being displayed as part of the map but does not change graphics, geomessages, or other layers placed on it. Changing the basemap does not change the way in which users interact with the mission.

To change the basemap, complete the following steps:

  1. Tap the Map Tools button.
  2. Tap Basemap.
  3. Tap the basemap you want to use. The options include, but are not limited to, the following:
    • Imagery
    • Imagery Hybrid
    • Navigation
    • Streets
    • Terrain with labels
    • Topographic
  4. Close the selection menu when you are satisfied with your chosen basemap.

    Your selection is now the basemap for the mission. All graphics, layers, or other map pieces appear on top of it.

Bookmarks tool

Bookmarks create shortcuts to important places on the map, which are useful for map navigation.

To use a bookmark, complete the following steps:

  1. Tap the Map Tools button.
  2. Tap Bookmarks.
  3. Tap the bookmark you want to use.

    The mission map zooms to the map extent and zoom level that was selected at the time of the bookmark's creation.

Layers/Legend tool

Map layers display geolocated map graphics. Layers can be switched between visible and invisible, allowing you to display or isolate which graphics you see at any given time. Each graphic type has its own layer and may be switched on or off independently.

To change the layers, complete the following steps:

  1. Tap the Map Tools button.
  2. Tap Layers/Legend.
  3. Check or uncheck the layers you want to change.
  4. Close the tool.

    The layers appear on the map according to your changes.

The legend displays information about individual layers.