Add mission members and teams

This 10.8 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

ArcGIS Mission members are participants in a mission who can collaborate with each other directly or by groups, also referred to as teams. Any portal user can be added as a member to the mission, but they must be properly licensed for the app.

The following describes the main differences between portal users, mission members, and mission teams:

  • Portal users—Authorized users in Portal for ArcGIS that are not yet assigned to the specific mission. Portal users can be assigned to any number of missions but can only view or participate in missions they have been assigned to as a mission member.
  • Mission members—Portal users who are assigned to a mission. By default, the mission owner is the first member in the mission. A mission member can be involved in the mission using ArcGIS Mission Manager and Responder. Mission members who are not assigned to a mission team can still participate in the mission.
  • Team members—Mission members who are assigned to a particular group in the mission.


There are two lists on the Members tab: Portal Users and Mission Members. Mission owners or administrators can add or remove portal users from the mission. If a portal user is added to the mission, they become a mission member. If they are removed from the mission, they return to being a portal user.

Both lists can be searched and filtered using the search bar. Members who are not the mission owner or administrator have view-only access to the Members tab.

Add portal users to a mission

To add portal users as members to a mission, complete the following steps:

  1. Click View Missions.
  2. Click Mission Details for the mission.
  3. Click the Members tab and find the Portal Users list.
  4. Select the users you want to add by clicking their names or using the search bar to find them.
  5. Click Add to transfer them to the Mission Members list. You can also double-click a name to add a user one at a time.

    The Total Mission Members field updates as you add or remove portal users.

Remove portal users from a mission

To remove portal users as members from a mission, complete the following steps:

  1. Click View Missions.
  2. Click Mission Details for the mission.
  3. Click the Members tab and find the Mission Members list.
  4. Select the users you want to remove by clicking their names or using the search bar to find them.
  5. Click Remove to transfer them to the Portal User list. You can also double-click a name to remove a user one at a time.

    The Total Mission Members field updates as you add or remove portal users.

Set or remove a mission member as a mission lead

As a mission owner, you can designate other members as mission leads to have similar capabilities as a mission owner. Designating members as mission leads is not required for a mission and there is no maximum. When a member is designated as a mission lead, they can do the following:

  • Add and remove members from a mission.
  • Cache and restore an activity in the Messages, Tasks, and Reports feeds.

To become a mission lead, the member must have the privileges of a Publisher role or above. When a portal user is added to the Mission Members list, ArcGIS Mission checks whether the mission member has the correct privileges to become a mission lead. An icon appears next to the name of mission members if they are eligible to be mission leads.

To designate a mission member as a mission lead, complete the following steps:

  1. Click View Missions.
  2. Click Mission Details for the mission.
  3. Click the Members tab and view your members list.
  4. Click the Set as Mission Lead button to set a member as a mission lead.

    A dialog box prompts you to confirm that you want to set the member as a mission lead.

  5. Click Confirm.

    A notification appears when the change is successful and the mission lead icon changes to an active state.

To remove a mission member as a mission lead, complete the following steps:

  1. Click View Missions.
  2. Click Mission Details for the mission.
  3. Click the Members tab and view your members list.
  4. Click the Remove as Mission Lead button to remove a member as a mission lead.

    A dialog box prompts you to confirm that you want to remove the member as a mission lead.

  5. Click Confirm.

    A notification appears when the change is successful and the mission lead icon changes to an inactive state.


Mission teams are designed as an organizational tool, allowing information to be sent to specific members or teams rather than the entire mission. A mission team is created based on organizational needs. Once mission members are assigned to a mission, they can be added to teams. A mission can include any number of mission teams, and mission members can belong to more than one team. Members who are not the mission owner or administrator have view-only access to the Teams tab.

Create a mission team

To create a mission team, complete the following steps:

  1. Click View Missions.
  2. Click Mission Details for the mission.
  3. Click the Teams tab.
  4. Type the team name in the text box and click Add Team.

    Your team appears in the panel below the text box, with two columns: Mission Members and Team Members.

Edit a mission team

To edit a mission team, complete the following steps:

  1. Click View Missions.
  2. Click Mission Details for the mission.
  3. Click the Teams tab.
  4. Click the name of the team you want to edit.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. Type a new name and click Save.

    Your team is renamed. A notification appears at the bottom of the app, confirming this change.

Delete a mission team

To delete a mission team, complete the following steps:

  1. Click View Missions.
  2. Click Mission Details for the mission.
  3. Click the Teams tab.
  4. Click the name of the team you want to delete.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. Click Delete.
  7. Click Delete to confirm the deletion.

    Your team is deleted. A notification appears at the bottom of the app confirming this change.

Add mission members to a mission team

To add mission members to a mission team, complete the following steps:

  1. Click View Missions.
  2. Click Mission Details for the mission.
  3. Click the Teams tab.
  4. Select the mission members you want to add to your team, either manually or using the search bar.
  5. Click Add.

    The selected mission members are transferred from the Mission Members list to the Team Members list. Repeat these steps for each team.

Remove mission members from a mission team

To remove mission members from a mission team, complete the following steps:

  1. Click View Missions.
  2. Click Mission Details for the mission.
  3. Click the Teams tab.
  4. Select the mission members you want to remove from your team either manually or using the search bar.
  5. Click Remove.

    The selected mission members are transferred from the Team Members list to the Mission Members list.


    Mission members who have previously been removed from a mission team can be re-added at any time.