Supported databases

Insights 2024.1   |    |  
Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise
Insights desktop

Database connections are supported in Insights in ArcGIS Enterprise and Insights desktop.

Database connections allow you to connect directly with database tables in Insights. The tables below list the supported databases and versions you can connect to when using Insights.

Google BigQuery

Google BigQuery is a cloud-based database that updates automatically. BigQuery is available for all supported Insights versions.


Insights uses service account authentication when connecting to BigQuery. A service account with an Editor, Owner, or Viewer role is required to create a connection from Insights to BigQuery. For more information, see Create a service account and private key in the Insights connector guide.


String fields in tables from BigQuery connections cannot be converted to date/time fields in the data pane or using a DATEVALUE calculation that does not specify a date format in Insights 2021.3 and earlier. Store date and time data in the database using a valid date or time data type or use a calculation expression that includes a valid date format.

BigQuery uses approximate calculations for median and percentile. Median and percentile statistics calculated on datasets from BigQuery may not match the results from other data sources. Median and percentile statistics are available for summary tables and some charts.


The median value for a box plot represents the true median, rather than the approximate median calculated by BigQuery.

BigQuery does not support mode calculations for spatial aggregation or spatial mean.

BigQuery only supports spatial reference 4326 (World Geodetic System 1984), so only spatial reference 4326 is supported when enabling location with coordinates. To enable location using a different spatial reference, you must first copy the data to your workbook.

Partitioned tables from BigQuery are not supported. A filtered view must be created to add data from a partitioned table.

The following spatial capabilities are not currently supported for read-only connections:

  • Spatial Aggregation with lines or areas in the Choose a layer to summarize parameter
  • Enable location
  • Calculate Density
  • Calculate Density Ratio
  • K-Means Clusters
  • Spatial Mean
  • Enrich Data

Microsoft SQL Server

The following table lists the supported versions of Microsoft SQL Server:

Insights 2024.1Insights 2023.3Insights 2023.2

Standard and Enterprise editions:

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2022
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019 for Windows (64 bit)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019 for Linux (64 bit)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017 for Windows (64 bit)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017 for Linux (64 bit)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (64 bit)

Standard and Enterprise editions:

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019 for Windows (64 bit)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019 for Linux (64 bit)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017 for Windows (64 bit)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017 for Linux (64 bit)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (64 bit)

Cloud database as a service:

  • Microsoft Azure SQL Database

It is best practice to keep your service packs up-to-date. If you experience issues using tables from SQL Server, verify that the database instance has the latest service pack installed and update the service packs if necessary.


The following table lists the supported versions of Oracle:

Insights 2024.1Insights 2023.3Insights 2023.2

Standard, Standard One, and Enterprise editions:

  • Oracle 21c
  • Oracle 19c (64 bit)
  • Oracle 18c (64 bit)
  • Oracle 12c R2 (64 bit)
  • Oracle 12c R1 (64 bit)

When Oracle connections using TNS are used in a multiple ArcGIS Server deployment, all ArcGIS Server machines must have the same Oracle configuration, including the following:

  • The same TNS file path
  • The same content in the TNS file (tnsnames.ora)

If an entry in the TNS file is updated, you must restart ArcGIS Server for the changes to take effect in Insights.


The following table lists the supported versions of PostgreSQL:

Insights 2024.1Insights 2023.3Insights 2023.2

Postgres PostGIS support:

  • PostgreSQL 16 (64 bit) with PostGIS 3.4
  • PostgreSQL 15 (64 bit) with PostGIS 3.3
  • PostgreSQL 14 (64 bit) with PostGIS 3.1.4
  • PostgreSQL 13 (64 bit) with PostGIS 3.03
  • PostgreSQL 12 (64 bit) with PostGIS 3.0.1
  • PostgreSQL 11 (64 bit) with PostGIS 2.5
  • PostgreSQL 10 (64 bit) with PostGIS 2.4 or 2.5

Postgres PostGIS support:

  • PostgreSQL 15 (64 bit) with PostGIS 3.3
  • PostgreSQL 14 (64 bit) with PostGIS 3.1.4
  • PostgreSQL 13 (64 bit) with PostGIS 3.03
  • PostgreSQL 12 (64 bit) with PostGIS 3.0.1
  • PostgreSQL 11 (64 bit) with PostGIS 2.5
  • PostgreSQL 10 (64 bit) with PostGIS 2.4 or 2.5

PostgreSQL geodatabase support:

  • PostgreSQL 10.6 (64 bit)
  • PostgreSQL 9.6 (64 bit)

For PostgreSQL databases without spatial extensions, only versions 9.6, 10, and 11 are supported.


Enabling location by coordinates has reduced performance on tables from a PostgreSQL database owned by a user account other than the one used to create the database connection. For best results, database connections and database tables should have the same owner.


The following table lists the supported versions of SAP HANA:

Insights 2024.1Insights 2023.3Insights 2023.2

SAP HANA support:

  • SAP HANA Cloud
  • SAP HANA 2.0 SPS05

SAP HANA modeling views are not supported.


Snowflake is a cloud-based database that updates automatically. Snowflake is available for all supported Insights versions.


Joins are not currently supported for tables from Snowflake. You can create a view with the required join in Snowflake and use the view in Insights.

The following spatial capabilities are not currently supported for read-only connections:

  • Spatial Aggregation with lines or areas in the Choose a layer to summarize parameter
  • Enable location
  • Buffer/Drive Times
  • Calculate Density.
  • Calculate Density Ratio
  • K-Means Clusters
  • Spatial Mean
  • Enrich Data

Enterprise geodatabases

In Insights, you can create a connection to a supported Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, SAP HANA, or PostgreSQL database that has a nonversioned enterprise geodatabase defined. If the geodatabase is versioned, the data must be unregistered as versioned to work in Insights. Currently, only geodatabase user tables that were not created under the sde user schema can be viewed and accessed from Insights. Insights does not work directly with file and personal geodatabases.

Geodatabase administrators have access to system tables that cannot be used in Insights. It is best practice to create connections to enterprise geodatabases using an account with a role other than administrator (data creator, publisher, editor, analyst, or viewer). The analyst role is recommended.

Additional database platforms

In addition to the supported databases, connectors can also be added for other relational databases that use a Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver. See the Insights connector guide for more information about the required configuration files and connectors that have been certified in Insights.

Additional database connectors are available in all supported Insights versions.


Insights only supports client-server database systems that can be accessed over a network. Other types of database systems, such as embedded databases, are not supported.

String fields cannot be converted to date/time fields in the data pane or using a DATEVALUE calculation that does not specify a date format for these connectors. Store date and time data in the database using a valid date or time data type (configured in the dialect.yml file) or use a calculation expression that includes a valid date format. See the Insights connector guide for more information about configuring data types.

The following spatial capabilities are not currently supported for read-only connections:

  • Spatial Aggregation with lines or areas in the Choose a layer to summarize parameter
  • Enable location
  • Buffer/Drive Times
  • Calculate Density
  • Calculate Density Ratio
  • K-Means Clusters
  • Spatial Mean
  • Enrich Data
  • Calculate geometry is only supported for read-only connections if the database supports calculating geometry (length, area, and perimeter) and the geometricProperties capability is set to true in the SQL dialect configuration file.


For more information about databases, see the following:

Next steps

Now that you know which databases are supported, the next step is to download the required vendor files for your database type. For more information, see Required vendor files.