What's new for previous releases

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Available for an ArcGIS organization licensed with the Indoors extension.

Review what's new for the latest release of Indoors Space Planner.

New at ArcGIS Online 2024.3

  • You can create and manage organization areas to help plan space allocation across your organization.
  • The Measure tool supports snapping to help make accurate measurements.

New at ArcGIS Online 2024.2

  • Office hotels and hot desks can be organized in workspace areas.
  • Meeting rooms can also be managed in workspace areas and support restriction, scheduling limits, and reservation managers.
  • You can configure workspace areas to include only the types of spaces you want to manage.

New at ArcGIS Online2023.3

  • You can define a capacity for an office hotel and allow it to be booked multiple times by different users until the capacity is reached.
  • You can configure workspace areas to organize office hotels, meeting rooms, and hot desks more effectively.