Open a 1.x project

2.3    |

With the release of Drone2Map 2.0, a new project file format is introduced (.d2mx). This project format allows for greater functionality and flexibility for creating and managing projects. Projects created in earlier versions can be imported to Drone2Map 2.0 by browsing to and opening the .d2m file.

To open a 1.x project, complete the following steps:

  1. Start Drone2Map. Alternatively, if you already have a different project open, on the ribbon, click the Project tab, and click Open from the list to the left.
  2. From the Open Recent Project list, click Open Another Project.
  3. Browse to the .d2m file to be opened.
  4. Click OK.

    The new project is created and you are presented with the following options to finalize the import of the 1.x project:

    • Reference—Products from the 1.x projects will be added to the project but will remain in their existing folder.
    • Copy—Products from the 1.x project will be copied to the new project directory.
    • Minimum—Products will not be added to the new project and only project data (Image locations, flight lines, and Control) will be copied to the new project.

  5. Click OK.