Product management

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Drone2Map allows you to create multiple types of output products from your drone imagery. These include 2D products, such as orthomosaics, digital elevation models (DEMs), and dynamic mosaics, as well as 3D products, such as meshes and point clouds. The types of products that are created from your drone imagery are managed through the Manage pane.

Manage pane

The Manage pane provides quick access to your project outputs and displays the status of processing and sharing jobs.

The Manage pane can be opened from the Processing group on the Home tab. The Manage pane contains two tabs: Products and Sharing.


On the Products tab, you can select products to be created for your project and configure options to help you manage your data.

Enable products

To enable a product, check the check box next to its name. A checked check box indicates that the product will be created during processing. After processing, the product is updated with an additional green check mark to indicate that the product has been successfully created.

Selecting a product automatically enables the processing steps needed to generate the product. For example, a project using the 2D Rapid template does not include products that are dependent on the Dense processing step by default. If the Point Cloud product is checked in the Manage pane, the Dense processing step is automatically enabled since generating a Point Cloud product requires point cloud densification.

The inverse is also true. Unchecking products automatically disables processing steps if no other products are dependent on those steps.


Selecting multiple products can increase the processing time for your project. It is recommended that you only select the products needed for the project.

Processing steps

Drone2Map has five processing steps: Initial, Dense, 3D Products, 2D Products, and Post Processing. These processing steps are listed in the Manage pane below the product types. During processing, the active processing steps are highlighted, allowing you to track the progress of your project. Disabled processing steps are unavailable and are not run during processing.

Clicking a processing step opens additional processing options for that step. See Processing options for more information.

Additional product options

Some product types have additional product settings and data management options. To access the product options, select the drop-down arrow next to the product type. The options available are determined by the product type.

Mosaic dataset options

Build Overviews

Generate overviews for your mosaic dataset. With overviews, a lower-resolution copy of the data appears quickly while viewing the entire mosaic dataset. As you zoom in, levels of finer resolution are drawn, increasing display speed and reducing CPU usage.


Generate seamlines for your mosaic dataset. Seamlines are used to sort overlapping imagery and form the boundary between adjacent images to produce a seamless mosaic.

Color Balance

Adjust contrast, brightness, and color between images in a mosaic dataset to make transitions from one image to an adjoining image appear seamless.

Processing options

Add to Map

Add the product to the map and Contents pane once it is created. Products that are not initially added to the map can be added later.


Set the default visibility of the product on the map. The visibility can be switched in the Contents pane once a product is added to the map.

Keep on Map

Add a product that has been removed back to the map the next time the project is opened.

Data options


Combine separate files comprising a multiband image into a single GeoTIFF file.

Merge Tiles

Generate a single GeoTIFF file by merging the individual tiles of an orthomosaic or digital elevation model product.

Open Product Folder

Open the file explorer to the location of the saved product.


Re-create deleted products without additional processing.

Delete Data

Permanently delete the product from disk. In some cases, this action cannot be undone.

Some products can be further customized by modifying the processing options. Click More Options Options to open the processing options window for the product.


The Sharing tab provides a quick view of your sharing jobs and their status. Status indicates whether the job is processing, queued, or completed. Additional information about each job, such as name and share type, is available on the tab.

See Share Jobs for more information.

In this topic
  1. Manage pane