What's new for OSM Vector Basemaps

2025    |

The ArcGIS Data Appliance 2025 update of ArcGIS Data Appliance: OpenStreetMap Vector Basemaps contains two updated vector tile packages (.vtpk files) used to publish as hosted vector tile services in your ArcGIS Enterprise portal. One is in the Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere (WMA) projection and the other is in the WGS84/GCS (GCS) tiling scheme. Map styles can be published as vector tile layers for each option.

These vector tile packages contain updated global data and local authoritative data from the OpenStreetMap community through the inclusion of Daylight Map Distribution of OpenStreetMap data. This map distribution is intended to leverage the work of the OSM community and enhance that with additional data validation to detect and remove map vandalism and geometry errors. This dataset also includes an expansion of the coverage of buildings in the map beyond those contributed by the OSM community.

OSM Vector Basemaps contains a total of 13 vector tile layers (map styles). All of the OSM Vector Basemaps vector tile layers (map styles) include cartographic styling refinements.

Existing users of the vector basemaps in ArcGIS Data Appliance can update the hosted tile layer as well as update 12 styles from version 2024. The updated VectorStyleUpdater toolbox uses a template of existing item IDs and can be run in ArcGIS Pro. One new style, OpenStreetMap (Esri Street Night style), can be published with the VectorStylePublisher tool.

New users can publish any or all of the full set of 13 styles.


The World Basic product option includes OSM Vector Basemaps: Basic (WMA only) down to ~1:144,000, which you download from My Esri or ships separately on the World Basic USB flash drive. OSM Vector Basemaps: Basic contains a total of 13 vector tile layers (map styles). Existing users of World Basic will use the updated VectorStyleUpdater toolbox.


ArcGIS Data Appliance: OpenStreetMap Vector Basemaps is in Mature Support in ArcGIS Data Appliance 2025. This is the last release for OSM Vector Basemaps. For ArcGIS Data Appliance 2026, OSM Vector Basemaps will be replaced with new Open Basemap Vector Basemaps, which will include open data from OpenStreetMap and other sources.