World Gazetteer

2024    |

Geocode world places including countries, states and provinces, administrative areas, cities, landmarks, water bodies, and more with World Gazetteer.

Service Name: ESRI_World_Gazetteer


The World Gazetteer locator is composed solely of open-source content, primarily from GeoNames. The GeoNames database contains over 27 million geographical names and consists of over 12 million unique features with roughly 4.8 million populated places and 15 million alternate names. The gazetteer references a dataset including countries, states and provinces, administrative areas (for example, counties), cities, landmarks, water bodies, and more.

The locator accepts a single-line place-name input (for example, Paris; Paris, France; or Washington, DC) and returns candidates sorted by match score and rank as follows:

  • Match Score (output field score)—Beginning with a full match of 100 and proceeding down to the minimum match score
  • Rank (output field rank)—Beginning with a rank of 1 for most-prominent places and proceeding up to 99 for less-prominent places

Directory size

3.98 GB

Coordinate system

The data used in the service is in geographic coordinate system (GCS) WGS84.


Sources: Esri and GeoNames.

Output fields

The following file output field definitions may be helpful:

  • Status—Indicates whether a batch geocode request results in a match, tie, or unmatch.
  • Score—A number from 1 to 100 indicating the accuracy of the address match. A score of 100 represents a perfect match, while lower scores represent decreasing match accuracy. Score is always returned by default.
  • Match_type—A code showing how an address was matched. You can group the results based on this attribute to show how the addresses were matched, or use the grouping to select records for rematching (default).
  • Match_addr—The complete address returned for the geocode request.
  • LongLabel—A longer version of Match_addr containing additional administrative information.
  • ShortLabel—A shortened version of Match_addr.
  • Addr_type—The match level for a geocode request. The value is always equal to POI or locality for the World Gazetteer.
  • Type—The feature type for results returned by a search. As an example, for Starbucks, Type = Coffee Shop.
  • PlaceName—The formal name of a geocode match candidate, for example, Paris or Starbucks.
  • Place_Addr—The full street address of a place, including street, city, and region, for example, 275 Columbus Ave, New York, New York.
  • FullPlaceName—A placeholder field to potentially store a more complete name in the future. For now, it is equal to PlaceName.
  • StAddr—The street address of a place, without city and region, for example, 275 Columbus Ave.
  • Phone—The primary phone number of a place. As an example, for Knott's Berry Farm, Phone = (714)220-5200.
  • URL—The URL of the primary website for a place. As an example, for University of Georgia, URL =
  • Rank—A numerical text value indicating the importance of a result relative to other results with the same name. For example, there are cities in France and Texas named Paris. Paris, France, has a greater population than Paris, Texas, so it has a higher rank. Rank is used to sort results for ambiguous queries such as Lincoln in which no additional information (state) is available. Rank values are based on population or feature type. Note that Rank is not used with all features, so some responses will contain a blank Rank value.
  • AddBldg—The name of a building, for example, Empire State Building.
  • AddNum—The alphanumeric value that represents the portion of an address typically known as a house number or building number, for example, in the address 380 New York Street, AddNum = 380.
  • AddNumFrom—A value representing the beginning number of a street address range. It is relative to the direction of feature digitization and is not always the smallest number in the range.
  • AddNumTo—A value representing the ending number of a street address range. It is relative to the direction of feature digitization and is not always the largest number in the range.
  • AddRange—The full house number range for the street segment that an address lies on, in the format AddNumFrom-AddNumTo. For instance, the AddRange value for street address 123 Main St may be 101-199.
  • Side—The side of the street where an address resides relative to the direction of feature digitization. This value is not relative to the direction of travel along the street. Possible values are R (right) and L (left).
  • StPreDir—Address element defining the direction of a street and occurs before the primary street name, for example, North in North Main Street.
  • StPreType—An address element defining the leading type of a street, for example, the Spanish term Avenida in Avenida Central or the French term Rue in Rue Lapin.
  • StName—An address element defining the primary name of a street, for example, Main in North Main Street.
  • StType—An address element defining the trailing type of a street, for example, Street in Main Street.
  • StDir—An address element defining the direction of a street that occurs after the primary street name, for example, North in Main Street North.
  • BldgType—The classification of a building subunit. Examples are building, hangar, and tower.
  • BldgName—The name or number of a building subunit, for example, A in building A.
  • LevelType—The classification of a floor subunit. Examples are floor, level, department, and wing.
  • LevelName—The name or number of a floor subunit, for example, 3 in level 3.
  • UnitType—The classification of a unit subunit. Examples are unit, apartment, flat, office, and suite.
  • UnitName—The name or number of a unit subunit, for example, 2B in apartment 2B.
  • SubAddr—The full subunit value for a candidate with Addr_type = Subaddress that includes <subunit type> + <subunit name>. For instance, the subaddress candidate is an apartment unit, SubAddr = UnitType + UnitName. For example, Apt 4B.
  • StAddr—The street address of a place without city and region, for example, 275 Columbus Ave.
  • Block—The name of the block-level administrative division for a candidate. Block is the smallest administrative area for a country. It can be described as a subdivision of sector or neighborhood or a named city block. It's not commonly used.
  • Sector—The name of the sector-level administrative division for a candidate. Sector is a subdivision of neighborhood or district, or it can represent a collection of blocks. It's not commonly used.
  • Neighborhood—The smallest administrative area for a country, typically a neighborhood or other subsection of a city.
  • District—The name of the district-level administrative division for a candidate. It can be a subdivision of a city.
  • City—The next smallest administrative area for a country, typically a city or municipality.
  • MetroArea—The name of the metropolitan-area-level administrative division for a candidate. It's an urban area consisting of a large city and the smaller cities surrounding it. It can potentially intersect multiple subregions or regions. An example is Kolkata Metropolitan Area in India.
  • Subregion—The next largest administrative area for a country, typically a county or region.
  • Region—The largest administrative area for a country, typically a state or province.
  • RegionAbbr—An abbreviated region name. The RegionAbbr value for California is CA.
  • Territory—The name of the territory-level administrative division for a candidate. It's a subdivision of country. It's not commonly used. The Sudeste macroregion of Brazil, which encompasses the states of Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo, is an example.
  • Zone—A city block or a subdivision within a locality, such as subblock (gaiku chiban) in Japan. It's only used in Japan at this time.
  • Postal—An alphanumeric address element defining the primary postal code, for example, V7M 2B4 for a Canadian postal code and 92374 for a USA postal code.
  • PostalExt—An alphanumeric address element defining the postal code extension, for example, 8100 in USA postal code 92373-8110.
  • Country—A three-digit ISO 3166-1 code for a country, for example, Canada = CAN. A list of supported countries and codes is available under Geocode coverage in the ArcGIS REST API help.
  • LangCode—A three-digit MARC language code representing the language of the address, for example, ENG = English. A list of all possible codes is available at
  • Distance—The physical distance in meters from a candidate to a specified location. The Distance output value is calculated for each candidate when the Location input parameter is passed in a request using the Find or findAddressCandidates methods. If the Location parameter is not passed in a request, the value of Distance is zero.
  • X—The primary x-coordinate of an address returned by World Gazetteer, in spatial reference WGS84 (WKID 4326).
  • Y—The primary y-coordinate of an address returned by World Gazetteer, in spatial reference WGS84 (WKID 4326).
  • DisplayX—Not applicable for World Gazetteer.
  • DisplayY—Not applicable for World Gazetteer.
  • Xmin—The minimum x-coordinate for the display extent of a feature returned by World Gazetteer. The Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, and Ymax values can be combined to set the map extent for displaying a geocode result. The extent coordinates use the WGS84 spatial reference.
  • Xmax—The maximum x-coordinate for the display extent of a feature returned by World Gazetteer. The Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, and Ymax values can be combined to set the map extent for displaying a geocode result. The extent coordinates use the WGS84 spatial reference.
  • Ymin—The minimum y-coordinate for the display extent of a feature returned by World Gazetteer. The Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, and Ymax values can be combined to set the map extent for displaying a geocode result. The extent coordinates use the WGS84 spatial reference.
  • Ymax—The maximum y-coordinate for the display extent of a feature returned by World Gazetteer. The Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, and Ymax values can be combined to set the map extent for displaying a geocode result. The extent coordinates use the WGS84 spatial reference.
  • ExInfo—A collection of strings from the input that could not be matched to any part of an address.