Directory of map styles

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Esri Vector Basemaps includes the following 51 vector tile layers. The styles can be published in Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere (WMA) projection or WGS84/GCS (GCS) tiling scheme.

Layer name and thumbnailStyle folder nameDescription

Charted Territory

Charted Territory thumbnail


The Charted Territory vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap featuring a geopolitical style reminiscent of a printed atlas plate or a school classroom wall map. This layer is designed for use with the World Hillshade basemap.

Colored Pencil

Colored Pencil thumbnail


The Colored Pencil vector tile layer is presented in the style of hand-drawn, colored pencil cartography.


Community thumbnail


The Community vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap featuring strong colors to emphasize large scale features.

Dark Gray Canvas

Dark Gray Canvas thumbnail


The Dark Gray Canvas vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap of the world featuring a dark neutral background style with minimal colors, labels, and features.

Dark Gray Canvas (Community Maps)

Dark Gray Canvas (Community Maps) thumbnail


The Dark Gray Canvas (Community Maps) vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap featuring a dark neutral background style with minimal colors, labels, and features with select roads provided by community contributors.

Dark Gray Canvas Base

Dark Gray Canvas Base thumbnail


The Dark Gray Canvas Base vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap of the world featuring a dark neutral background style with minimal colors, labels, and features. This layer is designed for use with the Dark Gray Canvas Reference layer.

Dark Gray Canvas Reference

Dark Gray Canvas Reference thumbnail


The Dark Gray Canvas Reference vector tile layer provides a city reference overlay of the world designed for use over a dark neutral background style with minimal colors, labels, and features. This layer is designed for use with the Dark Gray Canvas Base layer.

Dark Gray Canvas Reference (Local Language)

Dark Gray Canvas Reference (Local Language) thumbnail


The Dark Gray Canvas Reference (Local Language) vector tile layer provides a detailed reference label layer. Labels are in local languages at large scale. This layer is designed for use with the Dark Gray Canvas Base layer.

Human Geography Base

Human Geography Base thumbnail


The Human Geography Base vector tile layer provides a detailed vector basemap of the world symbolizing the land with a light gray, neutral background style.

Human Geography Dark Base

Human Geography Dark Base thumbnail


The Human Geography Dark Base vector tile layer provides a simple vector basemap of the world symbolizing the land with a very dark gray, neutral background style.

Human Geography Dark Detail

Human Geography Dark Detail thumbnail


The Human Geography Dark Detail vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap with a dark monochromatic style and content adjusted to support human geography information. This layer is a detailed reference layer that includes administrative boundaries, roads, and highways.

Human Geography Dark Label

Human Geography Dark Label thumbnail


The Human Geography Dark Label vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap with a dark monochromatic style and content adjusted to support human geography information. The map includes labels for highways, major roads, minor roads, water features, cities, landmarks, and administrative boundaries.

Human Geography Detail

Human Geography Detail thumbnail


The Human Geography Detail vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap with a monochromatic style and content adjusted to support human geography information.

Human Geography Label

Human Geography Label thumbnail


The Human Geography Label vector tile layer provides a detailed vector basemap for world labels designed to draw attention to the thematic content.

Hybrid Reference Layer

Hybrid Reference Layer thumbnail


The Hybrid Reference Layer vector tile layer provides a detailed reference layer of the world designed to be overlaid on imagery.

Hybrid Reference Layer (Community Maps)

Hybrid Reference Layer (Community Maps) thumbnail


The Hybrid Reference Layer (Community Maps) vector tile layer provides a detailed reference layer of the world designed to be overlaid on imagery with select roads provided by community contributors.

Hybrid Reference Layer (Local Language)

Hybrid Reference Layer (Local Language) thumbnail


The Hybrid Reference Layer (Local Language) vector tile layer provides a detailed reference layer, including transportation and labels of the world. Labels are in local languages at large scale. This layer is designed for use with the World Imagery basemap.

Light Gray Canvas

Light Gray Canvas thumbnail


The Light Gray Canvas vector tile layer provides a detailed vector basemap of the world symbolized with a light gray, neutral background style with minimal colors, labels, and features that is designed to draw attention to the thematic content.

Light Gray Canvas (Community Maps)

Light Gray Canvas (Community Maps) thumbnail


The Light Gray Canvas (Community Maps) vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap featuring a light neutral background style with minimal colors, labels, and features. Select roads are provided by community contributors.

Light Gray Canvas Base

Light Gray Canvas Base thumbnail


The Light Gray Canvas Base vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap of the world featuring a light neutral background style with minimal colors, labels, and features. This layer is designed for use with the Light Gray Canvas Reference layer.

Light Gray Canvas Reference

Light Gray Canvas Reference thumbnail


The Light Gray Canvas Reference vector tile layer provides a detailed reference overlay of the world featuring a light neutral background style with minimal colors, labels, and features. This layer is designed for use with the Light Gray Canvas Base layer.

Light Gray Canvas Reference (Local Language)

Light Gray Canvas Reference (Local Language) thumbnail


The Light Gray Canvas Reference (Local Language) vector tile layer provides a detailed reference label layer. Labels are in local languages at large scale. This layer is designed for use with the Light Gray Canvas Base layer.


Mid-Century thumbnail


The Mid-Century vector tile layer provides a customized vector layer of the world symbolized with a unique mid-century styled map. It takes its inspiration from the art and advertising of the 1950s with unique fonts. The symbols for cities and capitals have an atomic slant to them.

Modern Antique

Modern Antique thumbnail


The Modern Antique vector tile layer provides a customized vector layer of the world symbolized with a unique antique-styled map and a modern flair—including the benefit of multiscale mapping.

National Geographic Style

National Geographic Style thumbnail


The National Geographic Style vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap featuring boundary ribbons and other map content. This layer is designed for use with the World Hillshade relief basemap for added context.

National Geographic Style (Local Language)

National Geographic Style (Local Language) thumbnail


The National Geographic Style (Local Language) vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap featuring boundary ribbons and other map content. This layer is designed for use with the World Hillshade relief basemap for added context. Labels are in local languages at large scale.


Newspaper thumbnail


The Newspaper vector tile layer provides a customized vector layer of the world symbolized with a unique newspaper-styled map. It has a black and white appearance with select features highlighted in red. Many of the area fills have halftone patterns commonly found in traditional newspaper printing.


Nova thumbnail


The Nova vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap of the world featuring a dark background with glowing blue symbology inspired by the splash screen. The Nova vector tile layer emulates this color scheme with a grid pattern across the ocean and stripes or square stippled patterns for land use features visible at larger scales.


Outline thumbnail


The Outline vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap of the world featuring a simple black and white outline.

World Navigation Map

World Navigation Map thumbnail


The World Navigation Map vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap of the world featuring a custom navigation map style.

World Navigation Map (Community Maps)

World Navigation Map (Community Maps) thumbnail


The World Navigation Map (Community Maps) vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap of the world featuring a custom navigation map style with select roads provided by community contributors.

World Navigation Map (Local Language)

World Navigation Map (Local Language) thumbnail


The World Navigation Map (Local Language) vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap of the world featuring a custom navigation map style. Labels are in local languages at large scale.

World Navigation Map (Dark Mode)

World Navigation Map (Dark Mode) thumbnail


The World Navigation Map (Dark Mode) vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap featuring a dark navigation map style.

World Navigation Map (Dark Mode - Community Maps)

World Navigation Map (Dark Mode - Community Maps) thumbnail


The World Navigation Map (Dark Mode - Community Maps) vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap featuring a dark navigation map style with select roads provided by community contributors.

World Navigation Map (Dark Mode - Local Language)

World Navigation Map (Dark Mode - Local Language) thumbnail


The World Navigation Map (Dark Mode - Local language) vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap featuring a dark navigation map style. Labels are in local languages at large scale.

World Ocean Reference

World Ocean Reference thumbnail


The World Ocean Reference vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap featuring a custom ocean style. This layer is designed for use with the World Ocean Base raster layer.

World Street Map

World Street Map thumbnail


The World Street Map vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap of the world featuring a classic Esri street map style.

World Street Map (Community Maps)

World Street Map (Community Maps) thumbnail


The World Street Map (Community Maps) vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap of the world featuring a classic Esri street map style with select roads provided by community contributors.

World Street Map (Local Language)

World Street Map (Local Language) thumbnail


The World Street Map (Local Language) vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap of the world featuring a classic Esri street map style. Labels are in local languages at large scale.

World Street Map (Night)

World Street Map (Night) thumbnail


The World Street Map (Night) vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap of the world featuring a custom nighttime street map style.

World Street Map (Night - Community Map)

World Street Map (Night - Community Map) thumbnail


The World Street Map (Night - Community Map) vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap of the world featuring a custom nighttime street map style with select roads provided by community contributors.

World Street Map (Night-Local Language)

World Street Map (Night-Local Language) thumbnail


The World Street Map (Night-Local Language) vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap of the world featuring a custom nighttime street map style. Labels are in local languages at large scale.

World Street Map (with Relief)

World Street Map (with Relief) thumbnail


The World Street Map (with Relief) vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap of the world featuring a classic Esri street map style designed for use with a relief map.

World StreetMap (with Relief - Community Maps)

World Street Map (with Relief - Community Maps) thumbnail


The World Street Map (with Relief - Community Maps) vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap of the world featuring a classic Esri street map style designed for use with a relief map. Select roads are provided by community contributors.

World Terrain Base

World Terrain Base thumbnail


The World Terrain Base vector tile layer displays minimal map content: water and land fill, water lines, and roads. This layer is designed for use as a base layer with the World Terrain Reference layer and World Hillshade basemap.

World Terrain Reference

World Terrain Reference thumbnail


The World Terrain Reference vector tile layer displays minimal map content: populated place names, administrative areas, and water labels with boundary lines. This layer is designed for use as a reference overlay with the World Terrain Base layer and the World Hillshade basemap.

World Terrain Reference (Local Language)

World Terrain Reference (Local Language) thumbnail


The World Terrain Reference (Local Language) vector tile layer provides a detailed reference layer of the world. Labels are in local languages at large scale. This layer is designed for use with the World Terrain Base layer and the World Hillshade basemap.

World Terrain with Labels

World Terrain with Labels thumbnail


The World Terrain with Labels vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap of the world symbolized with populated places, administrative areas, boundary lines, and roads. The minimal features and styling are designed to draw attention to the thematic content.

World Terrain with Labels (Community Maps)

World Terrain with Labels (Community Maps) thumbnail


The World Terrain with Labels (Community Maps) vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap of the world symbolized with populated places, administrative areas, boundary lines, and roads. The minimal features and styling are designed to draw attention to the thematic content. Select roads are provided by community contributors.

World Topographic Map

World Topographic Map thumbnail


The World Topographic Map vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap of the world featuring a classic Esri topographic map style designed for use with a relief map.

World Topographic Map (Local Language)

World Topographic Map (Local Language) thumbnail


The World Topographic Map (Local Language) vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap of the world featuring a classic Esri topographic map style. Labels are in local languages at large scale. This layer is designed for use with the World Hillshade basemap.