Installing CityEngine silently

CityEngine 2024.1    |    |  

How to install CityEngine silently on Linux


To run the silent installation on Linux, you must run the setup with sudo privileges as shown in the steps below. For instructions on how to add a user to the sudoers list, consult the Linux OS documentation.

If you do not have sudoer privileges, you can run the graphical setup but you must manually run the FNP Service setup script after the CityEngine setup completes. Running the FNP Service setup script requires root or sudo privileges. If you don't run the FNP Service setup script, you cannot authorize with a single-use license.

To install CityEngine silently, complete the following steps:

  1. Read the license agreement at <CD_ROOT or untar directory>/Documentation/EULA.pdf and accept the terms.
  2. Run the setup silently and authorize by passing a provisioning file (.prvc).

    Sample syntax

    sudo <CD_ROOT or untar directory>/Setup -m silent -l yes -a <fullpath to .prvc file>
  3. A full list of run time switches are described in the tables below


    -m, --mode MODE

    Optional. The default is gui mode. MODE is either silent or gui. silent: Performs a silent installation. See the silent options table below. gui: X display is required.

    -v, --verbose

    Run the installer in verbose mode.

    -h, --help

    Display this help and exit.

    -e, --examples

    Display usage examples of these options and exit.

    The following options are only used for silent installations:


    -l, --license-agreement CHOICE

    Required for silent mode. CHOICE is either yes or no. Yes indicates that you have read and agreed to the Esri Master Agreement (E204, E300). Go to to read the agreement.

    -a, --authorization-file FULL_PATH_TO_AUTHORIZATION_FILE

    Optional. If this option is not used, you must authorize the software after installation. FULL_PATH_TO_AUTHORIZATION_FILE is the full, absolute path to a .prvc file provided by Esri.

    -d, --directory DIRECTORY

    Optional. By default, CityEngine 2024.1 is installed to your ${HOME} directory. DIRECTORY specifies a different installation directory. The /arcgis/CityEngine2024.1 path is appended to the installation directory.

    -s, --license-server yourLicenseManagerServer

    Optional. This is one of two options to license this product. yourLicenseManagerServer is the name of the License Manager server hosting the CityEngine license.

    The following are examples:

    • -s
    • --license_server

    For a License Manager server that is configured on a custom port, use the following syntax:

    -s <port>@<License Manager hostname>