Welcome to the CityEngine (Windows) installation guide

CityEngine 2022.1    |    |  

This installation guide describes the process of setting up CityEngine.

CityEngine is a 3D edit and visualization tool that can be extended to a professional modeling and design solution for creation and design of 3D cities. CityEngine includes a suite of tools to aggregate geospatial data, lay out and edit street networks, generate and modify buildings, create 3D road profiles and distribute street furniture, control the shape of the skyline, and analyze urban planning projects.

Web-based help

Use the ArcGIS web-based help to get the most up-to-date help online. The web-based help is frequently updated with new topics and additions to existing topics. These changes come partly from your suggestions and feedback from Esri support. If you have an addition or correction to the help, let us know by clicking the Feedback on this topic link at the bottom of a help page or by visiting the Esri Support Center.

Additional resources

To access the CityEngine download, sign in to my.esri.com, click My Organizations > Downloads, and search for CityEngine.

See Questions, feedback, and information for more details.