Authorizing your software

CityEngine 2021.1    |    |  

CityEngine needs to be authorized before use. You can visit My Esri to obtain your authorization numbers (similar in format to ESU123456789) for use in the software or to create a provisioning file which can be used to complete the authorization process.

After the installation is complete, the CityEngine 2021.0 Administrator wizard is displayed. You can also start this wizard to select or change a product at a later time by selecting the CityEngine 2021.0 Administrator from 2021.0 Start > All Programs > ArcGIS > CityEngine 1.

To run CityEngine 2021.0 Administrator executable or script use the: <Program Files folder>\ArcGIS\CityEngine2021.0\ArcGISAdmin.exe installation location.

The CityEngine 2021.0 Administrator assists you in configuring CityEngine. There are three license types to choose from: Concurrent Use, Single Use, and Named User.


License types

Concurrent Use

To use CityEngine 2021.0 with the "Concurrent Use" license type, you must have ArcGIS License Manager 2020.1 installed and authorized with a CityEngine 2020-2021 "Concurrent Use" license.

You can upgrade an older ArcGIS License Manager in-place, that was previously authorized with CityEngine 2020 "Concurrent Use" licenses, to ArcGIS License Manager 2020.1 The old ArcGIS License Manager immediately supports CityEngine 2021.0.

  1. Select CityEngine Concurrent Use.
  2. Under License Manager, set the license manager to the ArcGIS License Server (port and URL) defined by your administrator in ArcGIS License Manager. Once the license manager is defined for concurrent-use products, the application is ready to use. To install and authorize ArcGIS License Manager, see the License Manager Reference Guide.

Certain environments where there is higher than normal latency between the client Esri software and the ArcGIS License Manager may experience odd behavior when using concurrent use authorization. This odd behavior can manifest itself as the ArcGIS Administrator incorrectly reporting your ArcGIS License Manager as being invalid, or the client Esri software failing to authorize. A work around for these issues is to set an environment variable called FLEXLM_TIMEOUT to a reasonable value such as 10000000 (10 seconds). This environment variable will increase the maximum allowed latency between the client Esri software and the ArcGIS License Manager. For more information, you can visit

Single Use

Single Use products require authorization for use on individual machines. You will need the authorization codes sent from Esri Customer Service to the contact email address referenced in the sales order during the authorization process. This email includes the authorization codes issued for each license in the order. In addition to finding the information in the email, if you already have an Esri Global Account, you can log in to the Esri Customer Care site, click on Authorization & Provisioning, then click on a product name to obtain its authorization code. If you do not yet have an Esri Global Account, you can create one at My Esri and click on Create Account. You will receive an email confirmation and have access to Authorization & Provisioning on the Customer Care site.

For CityEngine Single Use, the authorization code starts with the letters ESU or EVA, followed by nine numeric digits, for example, ESU123456789. The following steps are based on the ArcGIS Administrator Wizard image provided above to complete the Single Use product authorization. (Contact information can be found at

  1. Select one of the two single-use products.
  2. Click Authorize Now to launch the Software Authorization Wizard.

The wizard will walk you through the online or offline authorization process.

Named User

Named User Licensing (NUL) allows CityEngine to use licenses saved to your ArcGIS or Enterprise Organization. To use NUL sign in, select the CityEngine Named User option from the CityEngine Administrator. Click OK to close the CityEngine Administrator. Start CityEngine 2021.0, you will be prompted to provide the credentials to your ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise account. Click Sign in to complete the sign in, and CityEngine launches using that user's named user license. Check Sign me in automatically to have CityEngine open automatically without the sign in prompt the next time you open it.

Named User sign in

Types of authorization process

There are two types of authorization processes provided for Single Use Licenses. They include the following:

Online authorization

With online authorization, the Software Authorization Wizardconnects directly to the Esri authorization site using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) from the deployed machine. Online authorization can be used if the machine on which the software has been installed is connected to the Internet and is able to connect to Online authorization can be performed by directly entering the authorization code in the Software Authorization Wizard or by creating a provisioning file (.prvc) at My Esri.

For more information, see on Provisioning Files.

Offline authorization

Offline authorization is used if the machine where CityEngine is installed does not have Internet connectivity. In this case, the authorization process creates a text file that can be uploaded to the Esri authorization server from an Internet-connected machine or can be sent in an email to Esri Customer Service to obtain an authorization response file (.respc). This authorization response file can be copied to the machine where CityEngine is installed and used to authorize CityEngine without a direct Internet connection.

Software Authorization Wizard

The following steps will guide you through the Software Authorization Wizard dialog box.

  1. Upon launching the Software Authorization Wizard, you will be provided with two authorization options:
    • I have installed my software and need to authorize it.

      Select this option to proceed with the authorization process by entering the authorization code you received from Esri Customer Service.

    • I have received an authorization file from Esri and am now ready to finish the authorization process.

      Select this option if you have a provisioning file created from Esri Customer Care.

    Select the appropriate option and click Next.

    SAW Authorization Options wizard

  2. In the Authorization Method dialog box shown below, select the authorization method you want to use (online or offline authorization, or single-use licensing from a local license server).

    SAW Authorization Method wizard

  3. Provide your contact information and details in the next two dialog boxes. If you are using a provisioning file, this information will be automatically populated from the file.
  4. Enter your CityEngine authorization code starting with ESU or EVA followed by nine digits.
  5. Depending on the type of authorization process selected, follow the appropriate process below.
    • Online Authorization

      Use the online authorization and click Next to connect to the Esri activation site. Upon completion, you will receive a message that authorization is successful and the applications will be ready for use.

    • Offline Authorization

      Follow these remaining steps to complete the offline authorization process.

      1. You will be requested to save your authorization information to disk as a file named authorize.txt. Then you can do one of the following:
        • Option #1 (via secure site authorization) - Log in at the activation secure site ( and follow the provided steps to be able to download a response (*.respc) file.
        • Option #2 (via email) - Send the authorization file, de-authorization file, or repair file as an attachment to and a response file will be returned as an attachment (*.respc file).
      2. After receiving the response file, start CityEngine 2021.0 Administrator from Start > All Programs > ArcGIS > CityEngine 2021.0 > CityEngine 2021.0 Administrator to complete the authorization process.
      3. In CityEngine 2021.0 Administrator, click the CityEngine folder, select the appropriate single-use product, and click Authorize Now.
      4. In the Authorization Options dialog box of the Software Authorization Wizard, select the option I have received an authorization file from Esri and am now ready to finish the authorization process and browse to the authorization response (*.respc) file received in step 1.
      5. Click Next so the application will be authorized and ready for use.