Export SLPK (Esri Scene Layer Package)

This 2021.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Esri Scene Layer Package (SLPK) is a custom, web-optimized format that can be shared on ArcGIS Online and viewed with the WebScene Viewer. For more details, refer to https://github.com/Esri/i3s-spec/.

Select the content you want to export in the 3D Viewport, and start the exporter. Click File > Export Models... > Esri Scene Layer Package in the main menu.

Export options for SLPK

In addition to the general export options, SLPK has the following options:

General settings

Merge Layers

Instead of writing one package per layer we write one package containing the data in all layers. If you chose to merge all layers the per layer settings will not be shown.

Scene Environment

Choose between local and global scene export. Local scenes are kept in the coordinate system of the scene while global scenes are converted to be viewable on the whole globe.

File size

Small File — Low Detail

Creates a small file; all selected models are exported with possible reduced quality.

Midsize File — Medium Detail

Creates a midsize file; exported models with medium level of detail.

Large File — Good Detail

Creates a large file; exported models with good level of detail.

Huge File — High Detail

Creates a huge file; exported models with high level of detail.

Individual layer settings

On the second page we can change settings for individual layers:


Checkboxes denote if a layer's contents are exported.

Layer Name

The layer name, as it is set in the CityEngine scene.

Export tricks and tips

  • If a Esri Scene Layer created from a CityEngine export doesn't behave fluent consider reducing the size of the SLPK by
    • choosing a smaller extent for export (select less objects)
    • fine tuning Texture quality export options (use compact or half-sized)
    • reducing the geometric complexity of the models (e.g. lower level of detail, less details on streets).
  • When preparing Esri Scene Layer Package for a wider audience, keep in mind that a Esri Scene Layer might not run as fluent (or not at all) on other, less powerful systems (less memory, less powerful graphics card). Reduce the exported extent and spk file size to ensure wider compatibility.

SLPK format has a limit on the geometric complexity of a single model. If (after triangulation) a model has more than 127,000 triangles it might not be properly shown in clients.

Publish SLPK on ArcGIS Online

Upload to ArcGIS Online

  1. Locate the exported SLPK in the Navigator.
  2. Right-click the SLPK and choose Share As...

    The CityEngine Scene Package dialog box appears.

  3. Click Upload package to my ArcGIS Online account and name your new SLPK.
  4. Fill in the required fields for Item Description.
  5. Click Analyze to validate your SLPK for any errors or issues.

    You must validate and resolve all errors before you can save it to disk or share it to ArcGIS Online. If any issues are discovered, an error will be reported. You have to fix the error before you can continue.

  6. Click Share to upload your SLPK to ArcGIS Online.

SPLK files can be uploaded to other ArcGIS portals as well. See Sharing data on a different portal

Publish scene layer from SLPK

After uploading your package to ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise you need to publish the SLPK to a Scene Layer. To create a Scene Layer, do the following:

  1. Go to the Navigator and select Portal > My Content.
  2. Find the SLPK you just uploaded and double click it.

    Your browser now opens with the correct item opened for you.

  3. Click on Publish to create a Scene Layer.

    The title of the Package is preset as Scene Title. Change it to only alphanumeric characters and underscores.

  4. Change the tags if not correct.
  5. Click Publish.

    This opens the item of the Scene Layer and after waiting for the service to be created you can open it.