CGA reference


Geometry creation

Geometry subdivision

Geometry manipulation




Flow control



Shape attributes

Shape Attributes are properties of the current shape. They can always be read (like functions) and some of them can be set with the set operation.

comp | initialShape | material | pivot | scope | seedian | split | trim

Built-in functions

Functions always return a value and do not alter the current shape (with the exception of probability functions which change the state of the shape's random number generator).

Math functions

abs | acos | asin | atan | atan2 | ceil | cos | exp | floor | isinf | isnan | ln | log10 | pow | rint | sin | sqrt | tan

Probability functions

p | rand

Conversion functions

bool | boolArray | float | floatArray | isNull | sel | str | stringArray

String functions

count | find | len | splitString | substring

Geometry functions

geometry.angle |geometry.area | geometry.boundaryLength | geometry.{du|dv} | geometry.groups | geometry.height | geometry.isClosedSurface | geometry.isConcave | geometry.isInstanced | geometry.isOriented | geometry.isPlanar | geometry.isRectangular | geometry.materials | geometry.nEdges | geometry.nFaces | geometry.nHoles | geometry.nVertices | geometry.{uMin|uMax|vMin|vMax} | geometry.volume

Material functions


File functions

fileExists | fileSearch / filesSearch | readFloatTable | readStringTable | readTextFile

Asset and image functions

assetInfo | assetNamingInfo / assetNamingInfos | assetsSortRatio | assetsSortSize | imageInfo | imagesSortRatio

Occlusion functions

inside | overlaps | touches

Context functions

contextCompare | contextCount | minimumDistance

Array functions

array initialization | colon operator | comp | findFirst | index operator | nColumns | nRows | size | sum | transpose

Edge attribute functions

edgeAttr.getBool | edgeAttr.getFloat | edgeAttr.getString

Miscellaneous functions

convert | getGeoCoord | getTreeKey | print | Simple types operators | Array types operators

Other keywords

attr | const | import | style | version | with

CGA utility functions library

String utility functions

findFirst | findLast | getPrefix | getRange | getSuffix | replace

String list utility functions

String lists are a series of strings stored inside one string. The elements are separated by a semicolon (";"). The data type is "string", thus it is not any real type of array as used in other scripting languages.

listAdd | listClean | listCount | listFirst | listFromArray listIndex | listItem | listLast | listRandom | listRange | listRemove | listRemoveAll | listRetainAll | listSize | listTerminate | listToArray

File, asset and image utility functions

assetApproxRatio | assetApproxSize | assetBestRatio | assetBestSize | assetFitSize | fileBaseName | fileDirectory | fileExtension | fileName | fileRandom | imageApproxRatio | imageBestRatio

Math utility functions

clamp | min | max

Color utility functions

colorHexToB | colorHexToG | colorHexToH | colorHexToO | colorHexToR | colorHexToS | colorHexToV | colorHSVToHex | colorHSVOToHex | colorRamp | colorRGBToHex | colorRGBOToHex

Miscellaneous information

CGA changelog | Annotations | Asset search | Built-in assets | Context and occlusion queries | Euler angles | Texturing

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