assetNamingInfo function


  • string assetNamingInfo(filePath, namingAttribute)


  1. filePathstring
    Path to asset. See Asset Search for information about search locations.
  2. namingAttributeselector
    Specifies asset information.
    • g—Group names
    • m—Material names


A string list with group names or material names, separated with ";" (also after the last entry).


The assetNamingInfo function returns names of groups or materials as a string list, depending on the specified namingAttribute selector.


The order of groups or materials in the string list corresponds to the order given by the indexed component split for groups and materials. In other words, the index of an entry in the string list corresponds to the component index.



The component split is used to extract the material with name "Bark". This can be achieved in three different ways. For the used asset the material name list is mat="Foliage;Foliage__leafcard;Bark;".

const asset = "Orange_Tree_Model_0.obj"
const mat = assetNamingInfo(asset, m) 
Ex1 --> i(asset)
    comp(m) { listIndex(mat, "Bark") : Trunk. |
        all                    = Foliage }
Ex2 --> i(asset)
    comp(m) { all : [ case listItem(mat, comp.index) == "Bark" : Trunk. 
        else                   : Foliage ] }
Ex3 --> i(asset)
    comp(m) { all : [ case == "Bark" : Trunk. 
        else                   : Foliage ] }

Foliage --> set(material.opacity, 0.2)
Tree model group split

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