- shapeU(frontWidth, rightWidth, leftWidth) { selector operator operations | selector operator operations }
- frontWidth—floatDepth of front wing.
- rightWidth—floatWidth of right wing.
- leftWidth—floatWidth of left wing.
- selector—selector
- shape—The setback polygon
- remainder—Selects the remainder of the polygon.
- operator—floatThe operator defines how the setback polygons are used to generate successor shapes. This also applies to shapes with more than one faces. Valid operators are:
- : —each polygon is put into a new shape.
- =—all polygons corresponding to the selector are combined into one new shape.
- operations—floatA sequence of CGA operations to execute.
The shapeU operation selects a number of edges, depending on predefined spatial selectors, and set them back by a user-defined distance.
This operation is another way of applying setbacks. For exampleshapeL(frontWidth, leftWidth) { selector operator operations | ... }
can also be achieved with the setback operation and the comp function:setback( comp(fe) { front=frontWidth | left=leftWidth } ) { selector operator operations | ... }
A block filled with U-shapes:
| ![]() |