Use Invasive Pest Inspections

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The Invasive Pest Inspections solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you establish invasive pest monitoring sites, conduct invasive pest inspections, and monitor invasive pest programs.

In this topic, you will learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the following workflows.

Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.

Conduct invasive pest inspections

The Invasive Pest Survey forms support capturing information about existing or new monitoring sites and keeping a record of site visits throughout a season. The survey forms were designed to capture information required for the Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) or Farm Bill programs and in a format to report details from site visits to the National Agricultural Pest Information System (NAPIS).

After monitoring sites have been established, an abbreviated version of the Invasive Pest Survey form can be used to streamline the process for field inspectors. In this workflow, you will assume the role of an inspector who will use the ArcGIS Survey123 inbox to load your planned visits into the application, and then you will complete the streamlined form for each monitoring site from the field.

  1. On a mobile device, in ArcGIS Survey123 open the Invasive Pest Survey: Site Visit form.

    If the Invasive Pest Survey: Site Visit survey has not yet been downloaded, browse to Download Surveys on the main menu. Search for the Invasive Pest Survey: Site Visit form that you published and click to download it. After it downloads, return to My Surveys and tap the form to open it.

  2. Tap Inbox and, if no surveys appear, click Refresh.
  3. Find your site in the list or tap Map to find sites near you.
  4. After you find your site, tap it to open the form.

    The form opens with the site information prepopulated.

  5. Complete the rest of the information in the form.
  6. Click the check mark to submit the survey.
  7. Repeat these steps to conduct additional inspections as necessary.

Monitor invasive pest status

Now, you will assume the role of an agriculture program manager who will use the Invasive Pest Status dashboard to monitor pest inspections.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Invasive Pest Inspections solution.
  2. View the Invasive Pest Status dashboard.

    On the right, in the Monitoring Sites panel, all of the monitoring sites are listed. At the top of the panel, the total number of sites appears.

  3. On the left, use filters to refine the results for site status, pest status, species, and survey type.

    The results on the map and in the Monitoring Sites panel update.

  4. At the bottom right, click the Inspections tab and review the inspection details.
  5. At the bottom middle, click the Monthly Comparison tab and review the metrics.

View invasive pest impact

Next, you will continue the role of an agriculture program manager who will now use the Invasive Pest Viewer app to identify the impact of a suspected pest infestation on agricultural commodities and human populations.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Invasive Pest Inspections solution.
  2. View the Invasive Pest Viewer app.
  3. Use the provided drawing tools to select an area of interest.
  4. View the results to understand the potential impact of invasive pests for the selected area.

Export surveys for NAPIS reporting

Invasive Pest Reports allows you to export information captured during field inspections for the CAPS or Farm Bill programs into a format that can be used to report monitoring activities to the NAPIS database.

This workflow will guide you through exporting field surveys and transforming the data structure for use in reporting to the NAPIS database.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Invasive Pest Inspections solution.
  2. Download the Invasive Pest Reports desktop application template, and then unzip the folder.
  3. From the unzipped folder, open the InvasivePestReports.aprx file in ArcGIS Pro.
  4. In the Catalog pane, expand the Tasks folder, and then double-click the Invasive Pest Monitoring task.

    If you do not see the Catalog pane, from the View tab, in the Windows group, click Catalog Pane.

  5. In the Tasks pane, expand How to Use Invasive Pest Reports, if necessary, and then double-click the Export Surveys for NAPIS Reporting task to begin.
  6. Follow the instructions in the task to export survey responses to a NAPIS report.