Use Electric Utility Network Foundation

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.4)    |    |  

The Electric Utility Network Foundation solution provides a preconfigured asset package, maps, styles, step-by-step instructions, common data management workflows, and more.

In this topic, you will learn how to use the solution to create and manage your electric utility network. These workflows will use the asset map and utility network geodatabase that can be created from the essentials asset package in the Configure utility network environment topic. These are a guide to help you learn key workflows in the Electric Utility Network Foundation solution.

Perform network traces

Tracing is a key capability of the utility network. In the following workflows, you will perform several types of traces.

Locate upstream protective device

A common task is to find the first upstream protective device from a location. The location is typically where an outage or fault has occurred and will often be a known transformer. In this workflow, a protective device is any device that can be automatically operated to break a fault. This includes a fuse, recloser, elbow or circuit breaker.

  1. Open the Electric Unbalanced Distribution Essentials ArcGIS Pro project.
  2. In the Map tab, in the Selection group click Clear.
  3. In the Catalog pane, expand the drop-down arrow next to Maps.
  4. Double-click the map configured in the Configure utility network environment topic that uses the provided sample data.
  5. In the Map tab, in the Inquiry group, click Locate.
  6. In the Locate pane, click the Layer Search tab and in the search box enter the ID of an overhead transformer, such as MV-XFR-189 if using the sample data, and hit Enter.
  7. Right-click the identified transformer and click Add To Selection.
  8. Click on the Selected Features in the lower right corner of the Map pane until this feature is visible.
  9. In the Utility Network tab, in the Tools group, click the drop-down arrow under Trace and click Starting Points.

    If you have previous trace points on the map, remove them by clicking Utility Network on the ribbon, in the Tools group, click the Trace drop-down menu and select Clear All.

  10. In the Trace pane, click Add selected to add the transformer as a Starting Point.
  11. In the Tools group, select Upstream from the list of traces.

    This will open the Trace tool and pre-populate some parameters.

  12. In the Trace tool pane enter the following parameter values:


    Domain Network



    Electric Distribution

  13. Expand the Filters section and in Filter Barriers, add the following:





    Is Equal to


    Specific Value



  14. Leave all other parameter defaults.
  15. Click Run.

    The trace will create a selection of cables and equipment to this device.

  16. Click on Selected Features in the lower right corner of the Map pane to zoom to all the selected features.
  17. In the Attributes pane, find the selected fuse and look up the Asset ID which should be MV-FS-55. This will be used in later steps.

Locate upstream reclosing device

A commonly performed task is to find the first upstream protective device from your current location. The current location typically is where an outage or fault has occurred. For the purpose of this workflow, a reclosing device is any device that can be automatically opened and closed to break a fault and minimize outage time. This includes a recloser or circuit breaker.

  1. Clear the selection set from the map by clicking the Clear button from the Map tab.
  2. In the Map tab, in the Inquiry group, click Locate.
  3. In the Locate pane, click the Layer Search tab and in the search box enter the ID of an overhead transformer, such as MV-XFR-189 if using the sample data, and hit Enter.
    This is the feature identified in the previous trace.
  4. Right-click the identified transformer and click Add To Selection.
  5. In the Utility Network tab, in the Tools group, click the drop-down arrow under Trace and click Starting Points.

    If you have previous trace points on the map, remove them by clicking the Trace drop-down menu and selecting Clear All.

  6. In the Trace pane, click Add selected to add the transformer as a Starting Point. From the returned list, click the transformer to add it as a starting point.
  7. In the Tools group, select Upstream from the list of traces.

    This will open the Trace tool and pre-populate some parameters.

  8. In the Trace tool pane enter the following parameter values:


    Domain Network



    Electric Distribution

  9. Expand the Filters section and in Filter Barriers, add the following:





    Is Equal to


    Specific Value


    E:Switch - Reclosing

  10. Leave all other parameter defaults.
  11. Click Run.

    Review the selected results.

Perform subnetwork customer count and load by phase

After identifying the first protective device, you may be interested in knowing how many customers and how much load are below this device on the system. To do this in an unbalanced system, phase must be taken in to account. Using the results from the above trace and then running the Summery by Bit tool allows you to answer both questions. The Summery by Bit tool is included in the Utility Network Data Management Support toolbox.

  1. In the Map tab, in the Inquiry group, click Locate.
  2. In the Locate pane, click the Layer Search tab and in the search box enter the ID of a fuse, such as MV-FS-55 if using the sample data, and hit Enter.
  3. Right-click the identified transformer and click Add To Selection.
  4. In the Utility Network tab, in the Tools group, click the drop-down arrow under Trace and click Starting Points.

    If you have previous trace points on the map, remove them by clicking the Trace drop-down menu and selecting Clear All.

  5. In the Trace pane, click Add selected to add the transformer as a Starting Point. From the returned list, click the transformer to add it as a starting point.
  6. In the Tools group, select Downstream from the list of traces.

    This will open the Trace tool and pre-populate some parameters.

  7. In the Trace tool pane enter the following parameter values:


    Domain Network



    Electric Distribution

  8. Expand the Output section and in Output Conditions, add the following:





    Is Equal to


    Specific Value


    E:Load - Customer

  9. Leave all other parameter defaults.
  10. Click Run.

    The trace will create a selection of cables and equipment to this device.

  11. In the Catalog pane, expand the Toolboxes section, and open the Utility Network Data Management Support toolbox.
  12. Double-click the Summery by Bits tool and enter the following parameter values.


    Input Records

    Electric Device\Low Voltage Service

    Bitwise Field

    Phases Energized

  13. For the Reporting Bits parameter, populate the following:

    Bit CodeBit Description







  14. For the Summery Fields parameter, select Rated Power from the drop-down list.
  15. Leave all other parameter defaults.
  16. Click Run.
  17. In the Catalog pane, expand Databases and locate a new table called Electric_Device_SummeryByBits. It will be added in the Standalone Tables drop-down arrow in the Contents pane. This table contains two charts which represent the customer count by phase and load by phase. These are listed under Charts drop-down arrow in the Contents pane.

Edit electric assets

When working with the utility network, editing plays a crucial role. The Electric Utility Network Foundation comes with pre-established editing workflows and templates. The following workflows guide you through some essential editing workflows.

Add a transformer and service

A common workflow is to add a equipment to provide power to a commercial entity. In this workflow, you will add a transformer, conductors and a service meter.

  1. In the Map tab, in the Inquiry group, click Locate.
  2. In the Locate pane enter 4920 Lincoln Ave, Lisle, IL 60532 in the sample dataset area and click Enter to locate a building.
  3. In the Edit tab, in the Features group, click Create.

    This will open the Create Features pane.

  4. In the Search Bar type Pad Mounted Three Phase. Select the option titled Pad Mounted Three - Yy and click the open arrow to enter the template attributes.
  5. Change the value of Terminal Path to None and place this feature near the building.
  6. In the Create Features pane, type Underground Three Phase in the search bar. Select the template from the list and start drawing a line from the newly placed transformer to a pole with the Asset ID of E-MV-PI-3441. Click F2 or Finish Drawing to complete the step.

    Make sure you have snapped the line to the pole.

  7. In the Create Features pane, type Service in the search bar. Select the service titled Low Voltage Premise in the Electric Device : Low Voltage Service layer. Place this feature near the transformer you created in Step 5 above.
  8. In the Create Features pane, type Underground Service in the search bar. Select the service titled Underground Service LV from the Electric Line : Low Voltage Service layer. Click the transformer and then click the + button to expose a list of available terminals. Select 2WXFR: Secondary and then click the Service Point placed in the previous step.
  9. Click F2 or Finish Drawing to complete the sketch.

Replace a fuse bank with a recloser

A common workflow is to replace an overhead fuse bank with a recloser, which provides better fault tolerance and minimizes the duration of an outage. In this workflow, you will add a recloser that will replace an existing overhead fuse bank.

  1. In the Map tab, in the Inquiry group, click Locate.
  2. In the Locate pane, click the Layer Search tab and in the search box enter the ID of a medium voltage pole, such as E-MV-Pl-3372 if using the sample data, and hit Enter.
  3. Right-click the identified pole and click Add to Selection to select the pole.
  4. In the Map tab, in the Selection group, click Attributes to open the Attributes pane.
  5. Click the drop-down arrow next to Structure Junction : Electric Medium Voltage Pole and then expand Primary Pole: E-MV-PL-3372 and click Fuse.
  6. In the Attributes pane, update the Lifecycle Status parameter to Planned Removal and click Apply.
  7. In the Create Features pane, type Propose Bank with Units in the search bar and press Enter.
  8. From the returned list, click Proposed Overhead Bank with Units.
  9. On the Map, click next to the fuse to add the overhead bank.
  10. Click out of the Attributes pane and then click on the selected Electric Device Overhead Bank. Review the attributes and ensure Lifecycle Status is set to Proposed.
  11. Click on each of the selected ElectricJunctionObjects to review their attributes to and perform the same review and ensure Lifecycle Status is set to Proposed.
  12. Click on the Create Features pane and navigate to Electric Line, Medium Voltage Overhead Conductor . Click on Overhead Three Phase. Draw a line starting from the Electric Junction located at the pole E-MV-Pl-3372 and running to the Recloser feature you added previously. After clicking on the Recloser you will notice a square box that has a down arrow. Click on the down arrow and you will be presented with a list of available terminals for the line to connect to. Select terminal SS:S1, then click Finish sketch.
  13. Next draw another Overhead Three Phase line starting at the Recloser. After clicking on the Recloser you will notice a square box that has a down arrow. Click on the down arrow and you will be presented with a list of available terminals for the line to connect to. Select terminal SS:S2. Next, click on the existing Overhead Three Phase line to the left of the existing fuse and then Finish the sketch.
  14. In the Utility Network tab, in the Network Topology group, click the drop-down arrow for Validate and click Entire Extent.
  15. Click Save to save all updates to the project.
  16. In the Utility Network ribbon, click Find.
    This will display a list of available subnetworks and those with a yellow warning sign will indicate which subnetworks need to be updated.
  17. Right-click on Essentials003 and select Update Subnetwork.
    This will update the subnetwork with the edits you have performed.