The Election Management solution delivers a set of capabilities that help election officials report wait times and request assistance at voting centers and polling places, dispatch field staff to respond to requests, track ballot chain of custody, monitor the performance of voting locations, and gauge the satisfaction of voters on Election Day.
In this topic, you will learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the following workflows.
Report wait times
You will first assume the role of a voting location worker tasked with reporting voter wait times at a regular interval throughout the day.
- In a browser, go to the Election Assistant app.
- Select a voting location using the list or map.
Optionally, use the search box to search by voting location name.
- On the information panel, click the Report wait time button.
- In the Election Wait Times form, enter and submit a wait time in minutes.
- Click Submit.
The Election Wait Times form will reload and can be used to submit additional wait times for the selected voting location without returning to the Election Assistant app.
Request assistance
You will continue the role of a voting location worker who now needs to request assistance.
- In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS Online organization, browse to the Election Management folder, and open the Election Assistant app.
- Select a voting location using the list or map.
Optionally, use the search box to search by voting location name.
- On the information panel, click the Request assistance button.
- In the Election Requests form, fill in the following details:
Question Answer Request type
Select the type of request
How critical is your request?
Select a level of criticality
Provide additional details to help us understand your request
Describe the request or issue being reported
Attach an image if it will help describe your request
Optionally, attach an image
- Click Submit.
The Election Requests form will reload and can be used to submit additional requests for the selected voting location without returning to the Election Assistant app.
Manage election requests
As requests for assistance are submitted by voting location workers, election staff review requests and assign field staff to resolve the request. Now, you will assume the role of a dispatcher who needs to assign open requests to field staff.
- In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization and click the Apps button
in the header of the site.
- From the app launcher, click Workforce to open the app.
- Under Projects, click Election Manager to open the project.
When implementing the Election Management solution in your organization, add election staff responsible for resolving election requests in the field to the Election Manager ArcGIS Workforce project with a Mobile Worker role. You can add users and assign roles in the configuration settings of the project. To access configuration settings, hover over Election Manager project and click Configure. Click the Users tab. For the purposes of this exercise, ensure that your named user account is assigned as a dispatcher and as a mobile worker. Click the My Projects tab to return to your projects.
- In the assignments list, click an assignment-type header or, on the map, click an election request.
- Review the request details, click the Assign drop-down arrow and choose a mobile worker to resolve the issue.
- Click the Assignments back button to return to the assignments list.
Resolve election requests in the field
You will now assume the role of a rover during an ongoing election. As a rover, you are responsible for responding to and resolving requests submitted by voting location workers. Using the Election Manager Workforce project, you will review and update the status of your assignments.
- Download the Workforce for ArcGIS app onto your mobile device.
- Open the Workforce for ArcGIS app and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
- Tap the Election Manager project.
- Select an assignment by tapping on it in the To Do list.
- Tap Start.
- Add notes or attachments to the assignment as needed.
- Tap Finish to complete the assignment.
Collect ballots from official drop boxes
Many communities provide official ballot drop boxes where voters can cast their ballots early by mail. These ballots need to be securely retrieved by election staff and delivered to election headquarters. You will now assume the role of a ballot collection officer who is tasked with collecting ballots from official drop boxes.
Track locations from the field
The ability to quickly identify the location of ballot collection officers is critical to ballot chain of custody. Election officials can understand and document the location of their staff as they visit official ballot drop boxes to collect ballots.
You will enable location tracking using ArcGIS Field Maps.
- Download ArcGIS Field Maps onto your mobile device.
- Open the app on your mobile device, and sign in to your organization.
- In the Maps list, tap the My tracks map card toggle button to turn on tracking and set the tracking duration.
- After completing ballot collections and returning to election headquarters, in the Maps list, tap the My tracks map card toggle button to turn off tracking.
Complete the Collection Checklist
You will first complete the Collection Checklist, which documents ballot chain of custody activities at the ballot drop box.
- Download the Survey123 field app onto your mobile device.
- At the upper right, tap the Menu button, and then tap Download Surveys.
You will download three ArcGIS Survey123 forms used in the ballot collection workflow.
- Search for Collection Checklist and tap the Download button.
- Search for Return Checklist and tap the Download button.
- Search for Drop Box Requests and tap the Download button.
- Tap the back arrow to return to the survey gallery.
- Tap Collection Checklist form, and then tap Collect.
- Tap the Location name drop-down arrow and choose the ballot drop box location.
The Address question is filled in based on the location name provided. - In the Time arrived question, tap the calendar and enter the time arrived at the ballot drop box.
- Tap the Team Assistant drop-down arrow and choose the ballot collection team assistant.
The Team Captain is filled in with the full name of the user currently signed into the ArcGIS Survey123 app.
- Optionally, tap the Team Driver drop-down arrow and choose the ballot collection team driver.
- Optionally, use the barcode button or enter the drop box's current seal serial number.
- Optionally, use the barcode button or enter the drop box's current lock serial number.
- Enter the number of containers used to collect ballots from the drop box.
- Tap the camera button to capture a photo of each container used. You must capture at least one photo per container used.
- Tap the camera button to capture a photo of the drop box after the ballots have been removed.
- Tap the camera button to capture a photo of the drop box after it has been closed, secured, and locked.
- Optionally, use the barcode button or enter the drop box's new seal serial number.
- Optionally, use the barcode button or enter the drop box's new lock serial number.
- If ballots are being collected for the last time during an election, select Yes in the Is this the final ballot collection for this election? question. Tap the camera button to capture a photo of the drop box after it has been secured and closed for this election.
- Answer the Is there evidence of inprporiate electioneering question by selecting Yes or No.
- If Yes is selected to the above question, use the text box to enter details, and then tap the camera button to capture one or more photos of inappropriate electioneering near the ballot drop box.
- Optionally, assess the drop box's condition by selecting Excellent, Good, Fair, or Poor.
- Optionally, assess the location's condition by selecting Excellent, Good, Fair, or Poor.
- For the Time departed question, tap the calendar and enter the time departed from the ballot drop box location.
- At the lower right, tap the check mark, and then tap Send now.
After submitting the Collection Checklist, the check list is available in the inbox until the Return Checklist is completed.
If Poor is selected, a photo is required and details must be entered into the text box.Note:
When Poor is selected, a photo is required and details are required to be entered into the text box.Complete the Return Checklist
You will now complete the workflow by filling out the Return Checklist, which documents ballot chain of custody as the ballots are returned to election headquarters.
- If necessary, tap the back arrow to return to the survey gallery.
- Tap the Return Checklist form and tap the Inbox.
You downloaded the Return Checklist in a previous step.
- Tap the Refresh button.
The inbox displays a message with ballot drop locations that have a Collection Checklist completed by the current user are in need of the Return Checklist.
- Tap the inbox record to open the Return Checklist.
The Drop Box Information and Team sections display details previously captured on the Collection Checklist.
- In the Time returning to headquarters question, tap the calendar and enter the time returning to election headquarters.
- Enter the number of containers submitted.
The number of containers submitted must match the number of containers used that was previously entered on the Collection Checklist.
- Enter the number of ballots being submitted for processing after the first count.
- Tap the Name of the team member completing the first ballot count drop-down arrow and choose the team member's name.
- Enter the number of ballots being submitted for processing after the second count.
Two ballot counts are required on the Return Checklist. To submit the Return Checklist, the count numbers must match.
- Enter the name of the team member completing the second ballot count.
- Tap the Name of the Official Receiving Transport Containers drop-down arrow and choose the election official's name.
- Tap the Election Official signature button, and then capture the election official's signature.
- Tap the Team Captain signature button, and then capture the team captain's signature.
- Tap the Team Assistant signature button, and then capture the team assistant's signature.
- At the lower right, tap the check mark, and then tap Send now.
Submit drop box requests for service
While performing their ballot collection responsibilities, ballot collection officers may identify problems or other ballot drop box requests for service that need to be reported to election headquarters in order to be resolved at a later time. You will use the Drop Box Requests form to submit a request for service.
- If necessary, tap the back arrow to return to the survey gallery.
- Tap the Drop Box Requests form, and then tap Collect.
- In the Drop Box Requests form, fill in the following details:
Question Answer Location name
Select the ballot drop box location
How critical is your request?
Select a level of criticality
Provide additional details to help us understand the problem
Describe the request or issue being reported
Attach an image if it will help describe the problem
Optionally, attach an image
Use the map to identify the location of the ballot drop box
- At the lower right, tap the check mark, and then tap Send now.
Gauge voter satisfaction
You will now assume the role of a voter who wants to help improve the voting experience for the next election by providing feedback on your voting experience.
- In a browser, go to the Voter Satisfaction Survey.
- Click Yes to indicate that you did vote in the most recent election.
- Click the Where did you vote drop-down arrow and choose a voting location.
- Complete the remaining questions in the survey, and then click Submit.
Monitor performance
You will now assume the role of a clerk or election official. As an election official, you want to know how an ongoing election is functioning throughout the community by monitoring ballot collections, requests, wait times, and voter satisfaction.
The Election Performance Center provides a unified view of the ArcGIS Dashboards apps described below. You can access the dashboards individually or by using the Election Performance Center.
Ballot collection activities
As ballots are being collected from official ballot drop boxes, you will use the Ballot Collection Dashboard to monitor ballot chain of custody activities.
- Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Ballot Collection Dashboard.
- From the Location drop-down menu, select a ballot drop box location.
The map, graphs, list, and metrics update to display information for the selected location.
- From the Time drop-down menu, select a Predefined option.
The map, graphs, list, and metrics update to display results for the selected location.
- Optionally, use the Calendar to select a time range.
- From the Team Captain drop-down menu, select a worker.
The map, graphs, list, and metrics update to display results for the selected location.
- Click the graphs to explore the ballot collections.
Explore both the Ballots and Containers charts using the appropriate tabs.
- On the left, select a collection in the collections list.
- At the bottom of the dashboard, click the Details tab to view information and photos captured on the Collection Checklist and Return Checklist.
Election requests
As voting location workers submit requests for assistance and report issues, you will use the Election Requests Dashboard to monitor ongoing requests and their resolution.
- Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Election Requests Dashboard.
- From the Location drop-down menu, select a voting location.
The map, graphs, list, and metrics update to display information for the selected location.
- From the Time drop-down menu, select a Predefined option.
The map, graphs, list, and metrics update to display results for the selected location.
- Optionally, use the Calendar to select a time range.
- From the Worker drop-down menu, select a worker.
The map, graphs, list, and metrics update to display results for the selected location.
- Click the graphs to explore the election requests.
Dashboard charts are linked. If you click a status in the Status chart or a type in the Request Type chart, related details are filtered and updated in other elements in the dashboard.
- On the right, select a request from the requests list.
The map, graphs, list, and metrics update to display information for the selected request.
Election wait times
As wait times are reported by voting location workers, you will use the Election Wait Times Dashboard to monitor wait times during an ongoing election.
- Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Election Wait Times Dashboard.
- From the Location drop-down menu, select a voting location.
The Average wait by Hour chart , Average Wait metric, and list update to display information for the selected location.
- From the Not Reported Within drop-down menu, select an option.
The map, metrics, and list update to display voting locations that have not reported a wait time within the selected time frame.
- From the list on the right, select a location.
The map and graph update to display information for the selected location.
Voter satisfaction
As voters share their feedback on their voting experience using the Voter Satisfaction Survey, you will use the Voter Satisfaction Dashboard to understand voter feedback.
- Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Voter Satisfaction Dashboard.
- From the Location drop-down menu, select a voting location.
The map, metrics, chart and list update to display information for the selected location.
- From the Time drop-down menu, select an option.
The map, graphs, list, and metrics update to display results for the selected time.
- Optionally, use the Calendar to select a time range.
- From the list on the right, select a Voter Satisfaction Survey response.
The map, graph, and metrics update to display information for the selected survey response.
Apply to be an election worker
The following workflows are designed to support election organizations using ArcGIS Hub Premium Community Identities for paid volunteers or temporary staff. When using ArcGIS Named Users, these workflows do not need to be completed.
Election offices hire paid volunteers or temporary election workers to increase their staff capacity during an election. Election workers are often members of the community that perform tasks like assisting voters.
You will now assume the role of a community resident that is interested in becoming an election worker.
- In a browser, go to the Become An Election Worker site.
- Scroll to the Become an Election Worker section.
When visitors to the site are not signed in, the Become An Election Worker site displays the buttons to Create an account or Sign In with an existing account. If a user is signed into the site, the Become An Election Worker site displays an Apply button, which can be used to access the Election Worker Application form. In the following steps, the user has created an account and is signed into the Become An Election Worker site.
- Click the Apply button.
- Complete the Election Worker Application form to express interest in becoming an election worker.
The application will be reviewed by election staff using the Election Worker Manager app. After the application has been approved, the applicant can access election apps on the Become An Election Worker site.
- Close the Election Worker Application and return to the Become An Election Worker site.
Election staff use the Election Worker Manager app to approve applicants for roles as Election Rovers, Ballot Collection Officers, or Voting Location Workers. Appropriately named section are displayed when an applicant's Election Worker Application has been approved by election staff and one or more role is assigned.
- Follow the instructions in the Election Rovers section to access the Election Manager ArcGIS Workforce project.
- Follow the instructions in the Ballot Collection Officers section to access the Collection Checklist, Return Checklist and Drop Box Requests ArcGIS Survey123 forms.
- In the Voting Location Workers section, click the Launch App button to access the Election Assistant app.
Manage election workers
You will now assume the role of election staff responsible for approving election worker applications and allocating staff.
In this workflow, you are asked to use the Election Worker Manager app to review and approve election worker applications.
- In a browser, go to the Election Worker Manager app.
- Click the Status column filter.
- Click the Status is drop-down arrow and choose Pending to view applications with a pending status.
- Click one of the applications to view its details and the types of election activities the applicant is interested in performing.
- On the Details tab, click the Edit button
- Click the Status drop-down arrow and choose Approved.
- If the worker is approved as an election rover, click the Rover drop-down arrow and choose Yes.
- If the worker is approved as a ballot collection officer, click the Ballot Collection Officer drop-down arrow and choose Yes.
- If the worker is approved as a voting location worker, click the Voting Location Worker drop-down arrow and choose Yes.
- Click Save.
The Election Worker Notebook can be used to schedule a process that grants access to the appropriate election apps based on the roles that election workers are approved to perform.
Election worker role Value Rover Granted access to the Election ManagerElection Manager ArcGIS Workforce project and added as mobile workers
Ballot Collection Officer Granted access to the Collection Checklist, Return Checklist and Drop Box Requests ArcGIS Survey123 forms
Voting Location Worker Granted access to the Election Assistant app to report wait times and request assistance