Use Citizen Problem Reporter

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.4)    |    |  

The Citizen Problem Reporter solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you solicit reports from the public, manage the response to each report, solicit feedback from the public after addressing a report, and monitor the resolution of nonemergency reports in a community.

In this topic, you will learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the following workflows.

Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.

Submit nonemergency problem reports

You will first assume the role of a concerned resident in the community who is notifying the city of a burned-out light in the park.

  1. In a browser, go to the Citizen Request Center site.
  2. Scroll to the Join Our Community section.

    This section only applies when an organization is licensed for ArcGIS Hub Premium. When community residents do not have a community account or are not signed in to the Citizen Request Center site, the site displays buttons to Create an account or Sign In with an existing account. Creating an account allows users to view their submissions to more easily track the status of their requests. In the following steps, a community resident has created an account and is signed in to the Citizen Request Center site.

  3. Scroll to the Explore Requests section to view open and recently completed requests.

    The Citizen Problem Explorer app can be used to view open requests to allow residents to discover if their issue has already be reported and what its status is. This can help to reduce duplicate issues from being submitted. In this scenario you find the burned-out light has not been reported.

  4. Scroll to the Request Service section and click the Submit Request button to open the Citizen Problem Reporter app.
  5. In the Citizen Problem Reporter app, click  Sign in on the cover page.
  6. Click Submit Request.
  7. Specify the request location by searching for an address or clicking on the map.
  8. Fill out the request details by providing the request category, type and additional details.

    To configure the request category and types, see Modify request categories and types.

  9. Optionally, provide your contact information.
  10. To submit a request, click Submit.
  11. Click your profile image near the top right corner of the Citizen Problem Reporter app and enable My reports.
  12. At the top of the list of requests, click the request you just submitted to select it.

    The request details are displayed. As the request moves through its life cycle (Submitted, Received, In Progress, and Completed), the status bar updates.

  13. Optionally, click Comment to display the comment form and add a new comment.

You and others can add comments to update or highlight information related to the initial request to authorities. The department or agency who is responding to the request can also add comments to provide updates on the progress.

Respond to problem reports

You are now an employee for the city who is responsible for responding to submitted problem reports, assigning them to the appropriate department for resolution.

  1. In a browser, go to the Citizen Request Center site.
  2. At the top of the site, click Manage Requests.

    This is an internal page that can be shared with users inside the organization responsible for responding to requests.

  3. Scroll to the Manage Requests section.
  4. In the Request table, select the request you reported.

    Review the details of the request in the Information panel .

  5. On the Information panel, click Edit .
  6. Click the Status drop-down and choose Received.
  7. Click Update.

    Public Works staff are ready to address the problem.

  8. On the Information panel, click Edit.
  9. Click the Status drop-down and choose In Progress.
  10. In the Assigned To text box, type Public Works.
  11. Under Comments, click Add Record.
  12. In the Comments text box, type Public Works is working on this issue.

    When Visible to Public is set to Yes, the comment will display in the Citizen Problem Reporter app.

  13. Click Create.
  14. Click Update.

    Public Works staff inform you that the park light bulb has been replaced.

  15. On the Information panel, click Edit.
  16. Click the Status drop-down arrow and choose Completed.
  17. For Resolved On, choose the current date.
  18. In the Resolution text box, type Park light bulb has been replaced.
  19. Click Update.

    Once the issue is complete, the status indicator changes and the details now provide information about when and how the issue was resolved.

  20. On the Information panel, click the Send Satisfaction Survey button.
  21. Review the formatted email and click send.

Provide feedback on work performed

In the previous section, you sent an email containing a link to a satisfaction survey. You will now respond to the survey as the resident who originally submitted the request with your feedback on how the issue was handled.

  1. Open the email.
  2. Click the URL in the email to open the Citizen Problem Satisfaction Survey.
  3. In the app, complete the first four survey questions.
  4. Optionally, for Do you have any other comments or concerns, add any other comments.
  5. For Would you like to be contacted for more information, click Yes.
  6. Provide information for the Full Name, Phone, and Email parameters.
  7. Click Submit.

Monitor reports and measure performance

As a program manager for the city, you want to know how well the citizen problem program is functioning, monitor the reports coming in, and see how satisfied the residents are with the program.

  1. In a browser, go to the Citizen Request Center site.
  2. At the top of the site, click Manage Requests.
  3. Scroll to the Monitor Performance section.
  4. In the Citizen Problem Dashboard app, review the high-level metrics on the Overview tab.

    The Overview tab displays infographics of categories of reported problems. This information gives management a quick overview of the number of open requests submitted by the public.

  5. Click the Requests tab at the bottom of the dashboard.

    The Requests tab allows a department manager to monitor how their department is doing when it comes to resolving requests. The page displays the top request categories and types, summarizes requests by month, and provides metrics on the average time to resolution.

  6. Use the graphs to filter and explore active and resolved requests.

    Dashboard charts are linked. As you click and select a category in one chart, related details are filtered and updated in other charts on the dashboard to allow a manager to identify issues and areas that need attention. The filtering is also linked to indicators and charts on the Survey Results tab.

  7. Click the Survey Results tab at the bottom of the dashboard and explore the survey responses.

    The Survey Results tab displays the results from the Citizen Satisfaction Survey. The indicators on the tab include Resolution Quality, Resolution Time, and Customer Service indicators that identify whether a community is below or above its target.

    The Recommended Problem Reporter to Friend or Colleague chart is used to display whether the user who submitted the survey would recommend Citizen Problem Reporter to a friend or colleague. The right side of the dashboard displays the number of surveys submitted and their details.

  8. Locate your response in the Surveys list and click it to see the details.