Use Capital Project Planning

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.4)    |    |  

The Capital Project Planning solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you define capital project plans, coordinate project schedules with internal and external agencies, manage pavement moratoriums, organize a project portfolio into an official capital improvement plan, and share capital improvement plans with the public and other key stakeholders.

In this topic, you will learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the following workflows.

Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.

Manage pavement moratoriums

Engineering and operations staff of a local municipality are typically responsible for inventorying moratoriums that preclude or restrict right-of-way activity on newly paved streets. Moratoriums identified by staff are shared with municipal departments, private utilities, and other external agencies so that they can understand the impact of any work planned in the same right-of-way.

You will assume the role of a municipality staff member and will use the Pavement Moratoriums app to create new and update existing pavement moratoriums.

Add a pavement moratorium

In this workflow, you will use the Pavement Moratoriums app to create a pavement moratorium.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Capital Project Planning solution.
  2. View the Pavement Moratoriums app.

    The app opens with the Create Moratorium widget opened by default.

  3. On the map, use the search field to zoom to your area.
  4. In the Create Moratorium widget, click the Pavement Moratoriums template, and then uncheck the Save new features automatically check box.

    When Save new features automatically is checked, edits are automatically saved without opening the Pavement Moratoriums form. This option is useful when you want to digitize new features quickly.

  5. On the map, draw a new pavement moratorium.

    A Pavement Moratoriums form opens on the right.

  6. Complete the form with your moratorium information.
  7. Click Save to complete the pavement moratorium creation workflow.

Edit a pavement moratorium

In this workflow, you will edit the details for an existing moratorium.

  1. In the Create Moratorium widget, unselect the Pavement Moratoriums template, if necessary.
  2. On the map, select the moratorium that you just created.

    The Pavement Moratoriums form opens on the right.

  3. Revise the form information, and then click Save.

Delete a pavement moratorium

In this workflow, you will delete an existing moratorium from the app.

  1. In the Create Moratorium widget, unselect the Pavement Moratoriums template, if necessary.
  2. On the map, select the moratorium that you just created.

    The Pavement Moratoriums form opens on the right.

  3. Click Delete, and then confirm the deletion.

    If you plan to complete subsequent workflows, ensure that you leave at least one moratorium in the app.

Create and share project plans

Capital projects, typically defined for water, sewer, stormwater, parks, facility, and transportation assets in a community, can be visualized together with external agencies' projects when the agencies plan and schedule work for their respective infrastructure. Sharing this information helps identify potential project conflicts and can become the foundation for public-private partnership opportunities.

Infrastructure project planning and coordination between municipalities and external agencies can be achieved by using the Capital Project Planning and External Agency Projects apps.

Create and share external agency projects

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a project lead from a private utility who is responsible for coordinating infrastructure development and improvement activities with the local municipality. You will use the External Agency Projects app to gain insight into existing external projects and pavement moratoriums and to enter new project information.

The updates that you provide in the External Agency Projects app will be immediately available to the municipality plan review team and will aid in their coordination of schedules of planned projects.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Capital Project Planning solution.
  2. View the External Agency Projects app.

    The app opens with the Sort Projects widget opened by default. This widget allows you to search for and filter existing external agency projects by company name.

  3. To create a new external agency project, at the top right, click the Create Project button.

    The Create Project widget opens.

  4. On the map, use the search field to zoom to your area.
  5. In the Create Project widget, click the External Agency Projects template, and then uncheck the Save new features automatically check box.

    When Save new features automatically is checked, edits are automatically saved without opening the Pavement Moratoriums form. This option is useful when you want to digitize new features quickly.

  6. On the map, draw a new external project boundary.

    An External Agency Projects form opens on the right.

  7. Complete the form with your project information.
  8. Click Save to complete the external agency project creation workflow.

Define capital project plans

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a public works organization project lead who is responsible for organizing new capital project plans and revising project information during the planning process. You will use the Capital Project Plans app to gain insight into existing project plans, external agency projects, and pavement moratoriums and to create a project plan.

After all relevant information has been added to the project plan and is ready for internal review, you will be able to share your plan with members of the coordinating body.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Capital Project Planning solution.
  2. View the Capital Project Plans app.

    The Capital Project Plans app is a gallery that contains individual Capital Project Planning apps for water, sewer, stormwater, facilities, and transportation projects.

  3. Click the Sewer Project Plans app.

    The app opens with the Create Plan widget opened by default. This widget allows you to create, edit, and delete sewer plans.

  4. On the map, use the search field to zoom to your area.
  5. To create a sewer project plan, in the Create Plan widget, click the Sewer Collection template.
  6. On the map, draw a new sewer project.

    A Sewer Project Plans form opens on the right.

  7. Complete the form with your project information.

    The Project Status parameter allows you to share your project in the Capital Project Review app with members of the coordinating body.

  8. To share your plan with members of review board, for Project Status, choose Analysis and Review.
  9. Click Save to complete the capital project plan creation workflow.

    Existing sewer project plans can also be edited or deleted. To edit or complete a plan, click the Sewer Collection template to unselect it, and then on the map, select an existing sewer project plan to enable the Sewer Project Plans form. In the form, you can edit plan information, update the feature's geometry, or delete the plan.

Organize and review the project portfolio

Many agencies have a coordinating body that is responsible for examining project proposals and preparing a consolidated list of projects that align with community goals and strategic priorities.

Project-planning organization and review can be achieved using the Capital Project Review Dashboard and the Capital Project Review app.

Review the portfolio of capital project plans

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a member of the coordinating body that is responsible for reviewing proposed projects. You will use the Capital Project Review Dashboard to examine proposed projects, visualize project schedules, and summarize estimated costs.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Capital Project Planning solution.
  2. View the Capital Project Review Dashboard app.

    On the right, any capital projects submitted for analysis and review are listed.


    If you do not have any projects listed, return to and complete the Define capital project plans workflow.

  3. On the left, adjust the filters to refine the capital project list by type, fiscal year, funding source, status, and planned start date.

    Filter options will vary based on the types of projects submitted.

  4. On the right, in the Capital Projects list, click the name of a capital project to zoom to it on the map.
  5. On the map, click a project to see a pop-up with more information about the project.
  6. If a proposed plan is ready for further review, click the Review Now button to launch the selected capital project plan within the Capital Project Review app.

Organize the project portfolio into an official capital improvement plan

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a member of the coordinating body that is responsible for reviewing proposed projects. You will use the Capital Project Review app to sort various key characteristics of a project and update project information, such as status, fiscal year, and funding sources, where appropriate.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Capital Project Planning solution.
  2. View the Capital Project Review app.

    The same portfolio of projects from the Capital Project Review Dashboard are visible in this app.

  3. At the top, in the table, click a column head to sort and filter the project list by that key field.
  4. In the table, click a project to view its details.

    The project details appear in the bottom left pane. If any items were attached when the project was created, you will see Details and Attachments tabs.

  5. Click the Details tab, and then click the Edit record button Edit, if necessary.

    As a decision maker, you can refine plan information such as funding source, fiscal year, project status and phase, and whether a project is funded.

  6. In the project details, click the Project Status drop-down arrow and choose Board Authorized, and then click the Funded Project drop-down arrow and choose Yes.

    These settings ensure that the project will be included in the capital improvement plan (CIP).

  7. Click Save.

    Because you have authorized the project and marked it as funded, it is no longer listed in the Capital Project Review app.

Explore the capital improvement plan

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a community member who is interested in learning more about projects being planned in your community and where they are located. You will use the Capital Improvement Plan app to review projects included in the capital improvement plan (CIP).

  1. In a browser, from the Capital Project Tracking solution, view the Capital Improvement Plan web experience app.

    Any projects that you authorized and marked as funded in the previous step appear in the Projects pane.

  2. In the left panel, under Type, check an option or options, and then set Planned Start Date filters to further explore and refine capital improvement plan results.

    Filter options will vary based on the types of projects listed.

  3. In the Projects pane, click a project to zoom to it on the map and view project details.
  4. On the map, click the Home button to zoom to the full extent of the project map.

    You can also use the map extent to filter results.

  5. Pan and zoom the map to refine the list of projects and project details.