Configure Fire Service Maps

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.4)    |    |  

In this workflow, you will learn how to configure the Fire Service Maps solution to meet specific needs in your organization.

Configure the Fire Service Maps project

The Fire Service Maps solution includes an ArcGIS Pro project and sample data you can use to explore the sample data schema and a set of tools. When you are ready to configure the project, a series of tasks are included to help you review the data, make modifications to the maps and layers, and load your data.

Install ReportLab

ReportLab is a third-party Python library that is required to create a street index in PDF format for the Fire Run Book. The street index allows you to look up an address or street name and find the correct map page in a Fire Run Book. To install ReportLab, follow these steps:

  1. If ArcGIS Pro is open, close it.
  2. Installing ReportLab requires that the default Python Environment of ArcGIS Pro be cloned using the following instructions. Keep the Python Command Prompt open after the cloning process finishes.
  3. After successfully cloning, type the following command and press Enter to switch the default Python environment to the new cloned environment:
    proswap <new environment name>
    For example, proswap arcgispro-py_clone
  4. To install ReportLab into the new Python Environment, type the following command and press Enter:
    conda install -y reportlab
  5. The ReportLab installation is now complete.
  6. Close the Python Command Prompt.