Use Capital Project Tracking

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.2)    |    |  

The Capital Project Tracking solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you manage the status of active capital projects, track project performance, share project progress with internal stakeholders, and communicate investments being made with the public.

In this topic, you’ll learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the workflows below.

Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.

Update capital project status

You will first assume the role of a public works project lead responsible for communicating schedule, quality, and cost updates on active capital projects.

The updates you provide in the Capital Project Reports app will be immediately viewable to the public and key stakeholders through the Maximizing Capital Expenditures site and the Capital Projects Dashboard.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Capital Project Tracking solution.
  2. View the Capital Project Reports app.

    The Capital Project Reports app shows all categories of capital projects by default.

  3. On the left, click a report type to view active capital projects.
  4. At the top of the page, in the table, click a project report to view project details.

    At the bottom left, you see the project's current information, including any attachments and comments associated with the project.

  5. To edit the project's information, on the Details tab, click Edit Edit.
  6. Update the parameters with new values.
  7. Click Save.

Monitor active capital projects

As a member of the community, you are interested in learning more about the active capital projects in the community and whether they are on schedule and budget. You will use the Maximizing Capital Expenditures site to learn about the active public investments being made in the community and how you can participate in the capital project planning process.

  1. In a browser, from the Capital Project Tracking solution, view the Maximizing Capital Expenditures site.
  2. Scroll to the Active Capital Projects section and click the Review Active Projects button.

    On the left, under Active Projects, any active projects are listed.

  3. On the left, adjust the filters to refine the list by type, phase, or fiscal year.

    The map's current extent can also further refine the results shown in the Active Projects list.

  4. Pan and zoom around the map to dynamically update the refined results in the dashboard.

    Using the map extent to refine dashboard results will also honor dashboard filters for Type, Phase, or Fiscal Year, if enabled.

  5. To view the location and project details for a project, click a project in the Active Project list.

    Selecting a project from the Active Projects list automatically pans and zooms the map to the selected project and updates and filters the project summary and detail information.