Step through time in monthly increments

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When working with the time slider, you may want to step through time in monthly increments, even though each month has a different number of days. There are two ways you can set up the time slider to do this depending on the results you want.

Set the time slider to see all the days in each month

Use time snapping to see all the days in each month. For example, you may want to look at all the properties that were sold in January, then February, then March, and so on.

  1. Ensure that your map has at least one temporal layer or table with configured time properties.
  2. To enable time filtering in the view, click the Enable Time button Map Time in the View group on the Time tab.
  3. In the Snapping group, check the Time Snapping option and set the units to Months by expanding the Time Step Interval drop-down list.
  4. In the Current Time group, set Span to the number of months you want to see at a time.

    For the monthly property sales example, you would set this to 1 month. To see quarterly sales, you could set the span to 3 months.

  5. In the same group, click the End Included button Include End to switch the end time state to End Excluded Exclude End. This ensures that the visible time span includes values less than but not including the end time, meaning it excludes the first day of the next month.
  6. Use the playback controls to step the time slider through the months.

Set the time slider to step one month at a time

Use a monthly time step value if you want to step one month at a time without the restriction of using whole months. For example, you might want to look at a time span from the 16th of the previous month to the 15th of the current month. You must have time-enabled layers or tables in the map to follow the steps below.

  1. In the Current Time group on the Time tab, set the Start Time and End Time values for the visible time span.
  2. In the Step group, set the Step Interval unit to Months.
  3. Use the playback controls to step the time slider month by month.

    In the Full Extent group, ensure the Start Full Extent and End Full Extent times match up to the monthly step increments. This prevents the time slider from being automatically snapped to the edges of the full extent.