Resize marker symbol layers

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Marker symbol layers are an inherent part of point symbols. They can also be in line symbols, placed along the length of the line or in relation to line endpoints, and in polygon symbols, either in the interior or along the outline. In each case, the markers have a specific size. As with most symbol layer properties, these can be set explicitly, or dynamically by connecting the properties to attributes in your data. When there is more than one marker symbol layer in a point symbol, the size of each marker layer is updated proportionally by changes made to the Size basic property for the point symbol.

Resize markers in 2D

In 2D, you specify the size of a marker symbol layer in only one dimension—height. The marker is resized proportionally. You cannot stretch or skew markers in 2D.

Shape markers include a frame that defines their size. This frame does not draw with the marker, but it is important to know where it is in relation to the marker's graphic geometry, because it determines how large the marker will actually draw. Marker frames are especially important to ensure that multiple marker layers that were authored to go together stack and resize properly when combined into a single symbol. If necessary, though, you can choose not to respect this frame and have the size of the marker be determined by the marker's actual graphic geometry instead.

  1. In the Format Symbol pane, on the Properties tab, click the Layers tab Layers.
  2. Highlight a marker symbol layer and expand the Appearance heading.
  3. Specify a value for the Size property in the 2D symbol display units.
  4. Choose whether to respect the size of the frame when resizing:
    • Respect frame checked: The marker's Size property corresponds to the height of the marker's frame.
    • Respect frame unchecked: The marker's Size property corresponds to the height of the marker's graphic geometry.
  5. Check Scale proportionally to have elements of the marker resize proportionally when the marker is resized by changes at the symbol or feature layer level.
  6. Use the symbol preview to validate the settings.

If you are working with a picture marker and it is necessary to revert it to its native dimensions as defined by the imported image, click Reset size.

Resize markers in 3D

The way you resize markers in 3D depends on whether you are working with volumetric 3D model markers, or flat shape or picture markers.

Resize 3D model markers

When you work with 3D model markers, you can adjust the size in all three dimensions. Specify the dominant size axis to dictate which size axis is updated by the point symbol's Size basic property. This also controls which size axis is updated by a layer when it is set to vary symbology size by attribute. You can link the size axes together to scale them proportionally, or keep them unlinked to change one dimension only.

Transformations made to marker symbols are applied in a specific order. Resizing originates from the anchor point along specific axes, but after rotation around the anchor point has been applied.

  1. In the Format Symbol pane, on the Properties tab, on the Layers tab Layers, highlight a 3D model marker symbol layer.
  2. Expand the Appearance heading and adjust the Height (Z), Width (X), and Depth (Y) properties as necessary. Use the symbol preview to validate the settings.
  3. Specify the Dominant size axis to control how the marker gets resized by changes at the symbol or feature layer level.

If it is necessary to revert the marker to its native dimensions as defined by the imported 3D model, click Reset size.

Resize shape and picture markers in 3D

Shape markers and picture markers do not have volume when used in 3D. You resize them much like you resize markers in 2D. Adding Depth is a good way to give an otherwise flat shape or picture marker a sense of volume. Depth is applied uniformly, changing the marker from 1-pixel thickness into a slab. You cannot adjust the Z anchor point of a shape or picture marker unless a depth greater than 0 is applied.

  1. In the Format Symbol pane, on the Properties tab, click the Layers tab Layers.
  2. Highlight a shape or picture marker symbol layer and expand the Appearance heading.
  3. Specify a value for the Size property. This is set in the current 2D symbol display units.
  4. Optionally type a value for the Depth property. This is set in the current 2D symbol display units.
  5. Use the symbol preview to validate the settings.