Work with bookmarks in the Bookmarks pane

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Bookmarks can identify the map or scene where they were created. The Bookmarks pane lists the bookmarks by map for the current project with the active map or scene view's bookmarks on top. Any bookmark in your current project can be managed using the Bookmarks pane. Hover over a bookmark to give focus to it and access management buttons for the state of your bookmark, such as navigation, update, and removal. Right-click the containing map or scene name to manage all of the associated bookmarks at one time.

For the active map or scene, in the Navigate group, click Bookmarks Bookmarks and click Manage Bookmarks Manage Bookmarks to open the Bookmarks pane. The following actions are available in the Bookmarks pane:


Create a bookmark

Interactively navigate to the desired location and scale, and click the New Bookmark button New Bookmark. You are prompted to provide a name and an optional description, which can be edited later.

Delete a bookmark

To permanently remove a bookmark from the project, hover over the bookmark and click Remove Remove. To remove a selected subset, press the Delete key.

Edit a bookmark description

Expand the bookmark so the description is visible. Click the Edit Description button Edit Description and update the information.

Rename a bookmark

Click a bookmark to select it. Click again to edit the name. To commit the change, either click outside of the text area or press Enter to save the update.

Reorganize bookmarks

Click and drag bookmarks to rearrange them in the associated map or scene groupings in the pane. You can also drag bookmarks in or out of a bookmark folder if it exists.

Update an existing bookmark

Navigate to the bookmark in the map and use the Explore tool Explore Tool to refine the extent or viewpoint of the bookmark. Click the Update button Update Bookmark, and the extent, time (if applicable), range (if applicable), and thumbnail of the bookmark are updated.

Pan to a bookmark

To center the view on the exact bookmark location but remain at the current map scale, use the Pan To button Pan To.

Zoom to a bookmark

To center and zoom in on the exact bookmark location, use the Zoom To button Zoom To.

Remove time

To remove the time span captured with the bookmark, right-click the bookmark and click Remove Time Remove Time.

Remove range

To remove the range captured with the bookmark, right-click the bookmark and click Remove Range Remove Range.


Click the menu button and click Export Export Bookmarks to export all bookmarks for the active map. Right-click a bookmark to export only the current bookmark or selected subset.

Select all

Right-click a bookmark and click Select All to select all bookmarks in a single map. Selecting more than one bookmark across different maps is not supported.

Clear selected

Right-click a selected bookmark and click Clear Selection to clear the current selection.

Organize using bookmark folders

Right-click a bookmark or selected set of bookmarks and click Create Bookmark Folder Create Bookmark Folder, which places the selected bookmarks in the folder. Only one level of a folder structure is supported.

Zoom to a subcomponent of a bookmark

Right-click a selected bookmark and click Zoom To and open the drop-down menu for zoom options. You can zoom to individual subcomponents of a bookmark without disabling the other components. For example, zoom to only the camera perspective, only the time position, or only the range value.

Gallery and Outline modes

The Bookmarks pane has two display modes for viewing bookmarks: Gallery and Outline. Gallery mode includes thumbnail preview images, while Outline mode is a list view without the images. Use the Menu button Menu in the upper right corner of the pane to switch between modes.

Manage all bookmarks for a map or scene at one time

To open the Bookmarks pane, on the Map tab, in the Navigate group, click Bookmarks Bookmarks and click Manage Bookmarks Manage Bookmarks. In the Bookmarks pane, right-click the name of a map or scene to manage all associated bookmarks at once.

The following options are available when right-clicking a map or scene:


Open Map View

Click Open Map View Open Map View to open the map or scene.

Export All Bookmarks

Click Export All Bookmarks Export Bookmarks to create a bookmark file (.bkmx) containing all bookmarks for the map including bookmarks in bookmark folders.

Import Bookmarks

Click Import Bookmarks Import Bookmarks to import either an ArcGIS AllSource bookmark file (.bkmx) or an ArcGIS Desktop bookmark file (.dat) into the selected map or scene.

Remove All Bookmarks

Click Remove All Bookmarks Remove to permanently remove all bookmarks from a map or scene and remove the map name from the listing.

Sort Ascending

Click Sort Ascending Sort Ascending to reorder the bookmarks and folders for a map or scene into an A-Z or 1 to 10 order. Bookmarks in a bookmark folder are excluded but can be sorted independently using the folder's context menu.

Sort Descending

Click Sort Descending Sort Descending to reorder the bookmarks and folders for a map or scene into a Z-A or 10 to 1 order. Bookmarks in a bookmark folder are excluded but can be sorted independently using the folder's context menu.

Expand All Descriptions

Expand all bookmarks including those in folders so the descriptions are visible.

Collapse All Descriptions

Hide all bookmark descriptions by collapsing bookmarks, including those in folders, from view for the selected map or scene.

Bookmark folders

The bookmarks pane lists bookmarks based on the map in which they are created. Within each map's list of bookmarks, you can create bookmark folders as an additional level of organization. Use a bookmark's context menu to add a folder:

  1. Select one or more bookmarks.
  2. Right-click a selected bookmark.
  3. Choose Create Bookmark Folder Create Bookmark Folder.

    The selected bookmarks will move into the new folder.

Folder names will be numbered sequentially as you continue to add more folders to each map's list of bookmarks, for example, Folder 1, Folder 2, and so on. You can move a folder by dragging it to the preferred location in the bookmark list, as well as drag bookmarks in or out of an existing folder. You cannot add multiple levels of folders in a folder.

With a bookmark folder, you can do the following using its context menu:

  • Rename a folder.
  • Export the bookmarks in the folder to a bookmark file (.bkmx).
  • Remove the folder which also removes the bookmarks contained in the folder.
  • Sort the bookmarks in the folder in ascending or descending order.