110518: The causal effect was not estimated because the confounding variables were not sufficiently balanced. Original Correlation: <value1>, Weighted Correlation: <value2>, Balance Threshold: <value3>.

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Balancing confounding variables is necessary to accurately estimate the causal effect between the exposure and outcome variables. Balance is determined using weighted correlations between the confounding variables and exposure variable. The Balance Type parameter specifies how the weighted correlations (mean, median, or maximum) will be aggregated, and the aggregated correlations are compared to the Balance Threshold parameter value. If the correlation is less than or equal to the threshold, the confounding variables are considered balanced.


Different options of the Propensity Score Calculation Method or Balancing Method parameters may resolve the error.

You can first attempt to resolve the error through the selection of confounding variables, the propensity score calculation method, and the balancing method. If the error is still not resolved, use a different option for the Balance Type parameter or increase the Balance Threshold parameter value. Review the messages to determine the values of the weighted correlations to determine appropriate values.

Learn more about tips to achieve balanced confounding variables