003833: Layer <value> is using display filters to show features beyond the maximum level of detail

AllSource 1.3    |


The maximum level of detail (LOD) for an indexed tiling format is LOD16 and for a flat tiling format is LOD15. When a layer in the map uses display filters to show features beyond the maximum level of detail with respect to the tiling format being used, the vector tile cache may be larger than the tile cache created when no display filters are used.

For example, if the map uses display filters to show features at LOD18, the tile cache will be created up to a maximum of LOD18 instead of LOD15 for a flat cache and instead of the maximum LOD for the map, which may be less than or equal to LOD16 (indexed) depending on the data density in the map.


Do one of the following:

  • Do nothing. There may be an increase in both tile cache size and processing time, depending on the data density in the map, as more tiles are being created up to the maximum LOD pursuant to the display filters used.
  • Disable the display filters defined for the layer in the map and consider using scale-based symbol classes or refining the visible scale range of the symbol classes.