002506: Failed to read a feature. Last successfully read feature OID = <value>.

AllSource 1.3    |


A feature could not be read. The geometry associated with this feature is corrupted and cannot be used.


When a geometry is reported as unreadable it often cannot be addressed by either the Check Geometry tool or the Repair Geometry tool. The feature class may be corrupt due to various issues both on the system side or from an incorrectly terminated ArcGIS session. The issue can often be resolved by re-creating the feature class as follows:

  • Create a new feature class using the spatial reference of the input and accepting the default XY Resolution and XY Tolerance values.
  • Use the Append tool to load the data from the input feature class into the new feature class.
  • Run the Repair Geometry tool to correct any geometry problems.

If the error persists after re-creating the feature class and ensuring that there are no geometry problems, contact Esri Technical Support for assistance.