001925: Layer symbology does not contain any attribute-driven symbology or cannot be used.

AllSource 1.3    |


This tool modifies an attribute value that is used to drive a symbol property. You must establish attribute-driven symbology for a symbol in the input layer.


Enable attribute-driven symbology and connect the appropriate symbol properties to a field attribute depending on the tool being used:

  • Align Markers to Stroke or Fill—For each marker symbol layer to be aligned, connect the Angle property to a field with no expression applied. If multiple marker symbol layers in the same point symbol have the Angle property connected to the same field, the Rotate clockwise setting must match in each of those marker symbol layers.
  • Resolve Building Conflicts—When point building layers are used as inputs, connect the Angle property of each marker symbol layer to a field with no expression applied. If multiple marker symbol layers in the same point symbol have the Angle property connected to the same field, the Rotate clockwise setting must match in each of those marker symbol layers.
  • Calculate Line Caps—Connect the Cap type property of each line symbol layer to a single field with no expression applied.