001156: Failed on input OID <value>; could not write value '<value>' to output field <value>.

AllSource 1.3    |


A value could not be added to the output field; for example, text values cannot be added to numeric fields, and text values cannot be added to text fields if the values are longer than the field length.

This error message may occur if the Enforce Domains parameter is checked in the Calculate Field or Calculate Fields (multiple) tool and a calculated value is not part of the domain assigned to the field.

In some cases, when a tool encounters multiple cases that result in this message, the message will be included in the tool messages up to a maximum of 10 times. The Object ID of all cases will be listed in a text file that is provided in an accompanying message.

If this message occurs while you're using a tool with a field map parameter, the warning will only be raised for the first field that caused the insert problem.


If you're using a tool with a field map parameter, change the output field type or other field properties in the field map parameter to accommodate the expected value.

If you're using the Calculate Field or Calculate Fields (multiple) tool, ensure that Enforce Domains parameter is not checked, evaluate the calculation, or calculate to a different field that can accommodate the value.