Add fields to a report template

AllSource 1.3    |

When a report is created, fields are automatically added to the Details subsection as well as any Group Header or Footer subsections. But a new report template does not include these fields; they must be added manually. There are two ways to add fields to a report template: individually or automatically.

Add a single field to a Group Header or Group Footer subsection to create a dynamic label at the beginning or end of a group. Add a field to the Details subsection to list all values in the body of a report.

Add a single field

Follow these steps to add a single field to a Group Header, Details, or Group Footer subsection:

  1. In a report template, select a subsection to activate it.
  2. On the Insert ribbon, in the Data group, click Field.

    The Insert Field Value dialog box appears.

  3. Define how the template will recognize the field:
    • Use element draw order for field index—Populate the fields using the database order. For example, the first field listed in the Contents pane will be associated with the first field in the table.
    • Specify field index—Use the database index to specify the field to be used. This requires you provide a corresponding Field index and Field filter. The index is zero based. The following table describes the filter options:

      Filter typeDescription


      All fields are included in the field. This is the default.

      Using this filter type and a field index value of 5 means use the sixth field in the table.


      Only text fields are indexed.

      Using this filter type and a field index value of 3 means use the fourth text field.


      Only numeric fields are indexed.

      Using this filter type and a field index value of 4 means use the fifth numeric field.


      Only date fields are indexed.

      Using this filter type and a field index value of 2 means use the third date field.

    • Name—Type the name of the field the template will use when creating a report.
  4. If adding the field to the Details section, check the Add associated labels to header. option to additionally create a label for the field in the above header.
  5. Click OK.
  6. In the report view, click to place the field element in the active subsection.

    Optionally, click and drag a box to place the field element.

The field element, and any associated label, appear in the active subsection.

Add multiple fields to the Details section

Follow these steps to simultaneously add multiple fields to the Details subsection:

  1. Select the Details subsection to activate it.

    Optionally, increase the subsection height to accommodate the insertion of multiple fields.

  2. On the Insert ribbon, in the Data group, click Autofill Fields.

    The Autofill Field Values dialog box appears.

  3. Type or set the number of fields to be added.
  4. Choose how the fields will be stacked when added, either Horizontal or Vertical orientation.
  5. Check the Add associated labels to header. option to additionally create a label for each field.

    Orientation impacts how labels are added. For horizontal orientation, the labels are added to the above header. For vertical orientation, the labels are similarly added to the Details subsection.

  6. Click OK.

The specified number of field elements, and any associated labels, appear stacked in the Details subsection.